Deadline: 8 September 2017
The European Economic and Social Committee (EESC) is seeking applications for its Civil Society Prize 2017 to reward and encourage tangible initiatives and achievements by civil society organisations and/or individuals that have made a significant contribution to promoting European identity and integration.
The overall objective of the prize is to raise awareness of the contribution that civil society organisations and/or individuals can make to the creation of a European identity and citizenship in a way that underpins the common values that shore up European integration.
Theme of the 2017 EESC Civil Society Prize: “Innovative projects to promote quality employment and entrepreneurship for the future of work
Prize Information
- The Committee plans to award a maximum of 5 prizes.
- The first prize has a value of EUR 14 000.
- The amount of the other prizes is EUR 9 000.
- If place one is shared among more than one winner ex aequo, the amount of each of the first prizes is respectively EUR 11 500 for two first prizes, EUR 10 600 for three first prizes and EUR 10 250 for four first prizes and EUR 10 000 for five first prizes.
Eligibility Criteria
- The EESC Civil Society Prize is open to all civil society organisations (the “CSOs”) officially registered within the European Union and acting at local, national, regional or European level. It is also open to individuals.
- CSOs are organisations which are actively involved in shaping public affairs on the basis of their own concerns, drawing on their own specific knowledge, abilities and scope for action. They act autonomously and membership entails a commitment by members of the general public to take part in the work and activities of those organisations.
- Individuals are natural persons. EU citizens are eligible, regardless of their country of residence. Third-country nationals are also eligible, provided they are legally resident in the territory of the EU. EESC members, CCMI delegates, staff of the EESC, members of the evaluation panel and their relatives are not eligible to submit an entry.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must download the application form via given website.
Eligible Countries: Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom
For more information, please visit Civil Society Prize 2017.