Deadline: 31 October 2019
The State Farm is seeking applications for its Good Neighbor Citizenship® Company Grants program.
The State Farm and the State Farm Companies Foundation value diversity and inclusiveness. Charitable funding is intended to advance access, equity, and inclusiveness while discouraging harmful discrimination based on age, political affiliation, race, national origin, ethnicity, gender, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity, or religious beliefs.
The State Farm makes their business to be like a good neighbor, helping to build safer, stronger and better educated communities across the United States. Through their company grants, they focus on three areas: safety, education, and community development.
Focus Areas
- Safety Grants: State Farm values the importance of keeping their neighbors safe. Their national and local funding is directed toward:
- Auto and roadway safety
- Teen Driver Education
- Home safety and fire prevention
- Disaster preparedness
- Disaster recovery
- Community Development: Strong neighborhoods are the foundation of a strong society. They are committed to maintaining the vibrancy of their communities by assisting nonprofits that support: affordable housing, first time homeowners, neighborhood revitalization, financial literacy, job training, and small business development. Through community outreach and community development grants and investments, State Farm gives back to the neighborhoods it serves and helps develop stronger neighborhoods by reinvesting in the community. Their national and local funding is directed toward:
- Affordable Housing
- Job training
- Neighborhood Revitalization
- Small business Development
- Financial Literacy
- First Time Home ownership
- Education Grants: Their education funding is directed toward initiatives that support:
- Academic performance improvement programs that impact K-12 students.
- Education initiatives that more directly support undeserved individuals (13 years and older), helping them enroll in post-secondary education and obtain the skills and credentials they need to be successful in today’s workforce.
- Service-learning programs that provide students opportunities to connect and apply learning skills from classroom to address unmet needs that exist in their community.
- Teacher development programs.
Grant Amount
Grant amount requested must be $5,000 or more.
Eligibility Criteria
- Their charitable contributions may be awarded to:
- Educational institutions
- Programs conducted by Municipal, county, state or federal government entities that align with the State Farm® charitable focus.
- 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit organizations
- 501(c)(4) volunteer fire companies
- 501(c)(6) chambers of commerce
- State Farm does not fund:
- Individuals seeking personal help or scholarships
- Religious programs
- Politically partisan programs
- Organizations outside the U.S.
How to Apply
Interested applicants can apply online via given website.
For more information, please visit