Deadline: 31-Mar-22
The Australian Disability and Indigenous Peoples’ Education Fund is open for applications to assist indigenous and non-indigenous people with disability to participate in both formal and informal education programs through small grants.
Frank has a life-long disability and along with other members of his family has experienced many years of hospitalisation, special schools and disability services. For the last thirty-eight years Frank has been involved in disability advocacy and the empowerment of people with disability locally, nationally and internationally. Realising that the work to empower people with disability is ongoing he has long considered the best way to support this is through further education and learning.
Education is continuously growing, developing, changing, so many people undertake courses to begin again the education they never completed or to keep abreast with these new developments. With the development of technology, education has become more accessible for people with disabilities leading to people completing higher levels of education which in turn can lead to more complex and skilled work.
Funding Information
Their fund is looking to distribute small six monthly grants of up to $2,500 to assist people with disabilities to continue their learning.
Eligibility Criteria
People with disabilities of any age living in Australia may apply for any assistance to help with both formal and informal education. While people may need assistance to complete the application, they would like a letter in the persons own words telling them why they want to learn.
For more information, visit