Deadline: 28 July 2016
The UK’s Department for International Development (DFID) seeks applications for its Global Learning for Adaptive Management (GLAM) programme to support adaptive management in DFID and USAID programmes.
Adaptive management has gained traction as an approach to improving development interventions by recognising that strategies, project designs and implementation plans may need to be altered as new learning emerges or the development context shifts.
The programme will establish a centre for learning about adaptive management.
Programme Activities
The main programme activities are likely to be:
- Supporting the design and use of monitoring, evaluation and learning (MEL) systems for adaptive management
- Increasing donor and partner (both international and local) capacities to use MEL systems and implement adaptive management practices
- Building consensus, encouraging coordination and establishing standards for MEL practices in adaptive programmes
- Evaluating and learning about adaptive management.
Expected outcomes include greater use of robust evidence and MEL systems for adaptive management within global development communities, and greater supply, demand and quality of MEL services available for adaptive development programmes.
Programme duration will be up to 5 years.
Funds Available
Programme budget is up to $7 million USD.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must apply via the DFID supplier portal.
For more information, please visit DFID GLAM.