Deadline: 20-Apr-22
BIRN Kosovo has opened the call for applications for writing in-depth journalistic stories as part of the project “Data 4 fighting harmful narratives on the judiciary” funded by the Millennium Foundation Kosovo (MFK) and Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) as part of the #DigDataKosovo Challenge for Open Data.
BIRN’s intervention with the Judicial Dig Data Challenge consists of synthesizing the available judicial data on gender-based violence, attacks on journalists and the LGBTQI+ persons, corruption, resolution of civil cases, human resource management in justice institutions, effectiveness of the LAA, the Supreme Court and the Special Prosecution, among others, by linking multiple datasets from the Kosovo Judicial Council (KJC), the Kosovo Prosecutorial Council (KPC) and the Legal Aid Agency (LAA).
Their intervention also aims to extend the category of people utilizing the available judicial data. This will be achieved by engaging other actors, such as journalists, in the process of data analysis and in proposing means in addressing data-driven needs.
Funding Information
- Five (5) ambitious and daring journalists will be selected by a team of professional editors to become part of this program. Each fellow will be granted EUR 400.00 fellowship bursary for an in-depth research story based on judicial data.
Eligibility Criteria
- In this regard, BIRN invites all interested young, aspiring and mid-career journalists to apply for the three-month fellowship, provided by MFK.
- Women and members of non-majority communities are strongly encouraged to apply.
How to apply?
The story proposal should be developed based on the below listed criteria:
- Use of datasets of KJC, KPC, and LAA
- Impact of the story on the public
- Special addressing of the issue
- Inclusiveness
For more information, visit