Deadline: 01-Oct-20
Are you a youth led/ youth serving CSO implementing sexuality education/ or content creator working on sexuality education in Asia and the Pacific? Are you using innovative ways especially in the context of COVID-19 crisis and recovery phase to implement sexuality education in Asia and the Pacific region? This call is for you!
ARROW, UNESCO and UNFPA are organizing the Asia and the Pacific Sexuality Education Virtual Exhibition (APSEVE) 2020. This exhibition will be launched on November 3rd, 2020. APSEVE will be a diverse and vibrant space showcasing a range of sexuality education initiatives in the region. Apply to participate to share your approaches and lessons learnt around implementing sexuality education with a large community of advocates, practitioners, and policymakers from across Asia-Pacific.
The exhibition space will consist of virtual booths where selected civil society organizations (CSOs) will be able to share information about their sexuality education initiatives (formal/ non-formal/ informal/digital/ online / in-person) through short videos, e-posters and knowledge products. The virtual exhibition will be launched on November 3rd, 2020 and will be live until December 31st, 2020.
- Systems, policies and programmes are reoriented to:
- Uphold gender equality and sexual and reproductive health and rights; and
- Ensure that health systems deliver comprehensive, gender-sensitive and rights-based services for sexual reproductive health that are accessible, just, equitable and of the highest quality.
- Women’s movements and civil society are strong and effective in:
- Influencing policy agenda on women’s health, sexuality and rights;
- Holding governments and donors accountable to international and national commitments; and
- Gaining sustained representation on decision-making structures.
- Women’s lives and health outcomes improve, particularly in the area of SRHR, especially for poor and marginalized women.
When is it happening?
- The virtual exhibition will be launched on 3rd November, 2020.
- The exhibition will be live until 31st December 2020.
What they do?
They work towards achieving sexual and reproductive health and rights for all in the Asia-Pacific through:
- Monitoring and evidence generation for change
- Monitoring international commitments pertaining to sexual and reproductive rights and health is a powerful political tool and strategy used by ARROW to ensure accountability of international bodies, agencies and national governments to the commitments they promised to fulfil.
- Mobilizing communities for sexual and reproductive rights accountability
- Strengthen civil society participation by facilitating community mobilisation through capacities strengthening of women and young people and empowering them to advocate and demand accountability from governments, and other stakeholders at the local and national level
- Building new constituencies for sexual and reproductive health and rights
- Build constituencies with new organisations and alliances to develop knowledge and ownership of gender, feminism, and SRR issues by strengthening the linkage between issues that pose challenges to the SRR agenda such as religious fundamentalism and extreme interpretations of religion, climate change, conflict and crisis situations, disability, migration, food insecurity, poverty and others.
- Information and communication for change
- Implement strategic information and communications strategy that strengthens ARROW’s advocacy with its multi-level stakeholders, building new and critical perspectives around gender, feminism, sexual and reproductive rights and its intersectionalities, strengthening the capacities of the ARROW community (including staff and partners) and further grounding ARROW as a leading Global South feminist, SRHR organization.
- Advocacy
- ARROW’s advocacy is geared towards ensuring compliance with human rights and global health standards in order to ensure that policies at the top are geared towards respecting and fulfilling the Sexual and Reproductive Rights of women and young people. In order to achieve this, ARROW works with national and regional level partners, stakeholders and communities.
Who can apply?
- An Expression of Interest (EOI) is invited from individuals, group or a youth led, youth-serving civil society organization (CSO) that has created and/or implemented initiatives that aim to provide sexuality education ( formal/ non-formal/ informal/digital/ online / in-person) to young people from diverse backgrounds and identities across Asia and the Pacific.
Selection process
A working group of experts will be reviewing your application to assess your suitability to participate in the exhibition. The following criteria will guide the selection process:
- Approaches adopting a gender-responsive, pleasure positive, affirmative sexuality and human rights-based lens to sexuality education.
- Approaches implementing sexuality education using innovation to adapt to the context of COVID-19.
- Approaches that are inclusive and intersectional and aim to reach out to the most underserved and marginalised.
- Approaches leveraging on the digital platform and technology to provide sexuality education (CSE).
Important Note: A confirmation will be sent to the selected exhibitors by 5th October, along with guidelines and next steps. A small honorarium of USD 150 will be provided to selected presenters to develop a video/poster for your presentation at the exhibition.
For more information, visit