Deadline: 1 September 2016
The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) has commissioned Lund University (LU) to carry out an advanced training programme on the topic Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR), designed for individuals holding positions in organizations in the area of SRHR and who are qualified to participate in reform processes at various levels.
The programme offers participants the training necessary to help their organizations define and achieve both short- and long-term goals. Participants will discuss the latest developments in their field with colleagues and experts, develop a network of colleagues from other countries and acquire enhanced knowledge and practical skills in working methods in the SRHR area. Participation in the programme assumes organization wishes to carry out changes and invest its resources in the process.
The long-term objective of the programme is to contribute to the improvement of the living conditions of poor women, children, youth and men by:
- Increasing their access to adequate sexual and reproductive health care
- Promoting sexual education
- Increasing the awareness and demand for SRHR services
Priority Areas
Using a rights-based approach to sexual and reproductive health, the programme will cover:
- Youth sexual health
- Maternal and neonatal health, including fertility and abortion
- STIs, HIV/AIDS and cervical cancer
- Sexual identity
- Sexual coercion and violence
Programme Structure
The training programme is divided into five phases:
- Preparatory period (2 months)
- Scheduled programme in Sweden (4 weeks)
- Interim period (6 months)
- Regional follow-up (1 week)
- Continuation of the change projects (6 months)
Programme Benefits
Sida will cover the costs related to:
- Participation in the programme, literature, study tours, and scheduled activities
- Hotel accommodations
- A peer diem to cover self-sustained cooked meals
- International travel to and from Sweden
- International travel to and from the regional seminar
- Each participant is responsible for travel costs to (and from) the international airport nearest their home, visa costs, and all personal expenses other that those indicated above.
Eligibility Criteria
- The programme encourages applicants to apply as ‘country teams’. Preference will be given to country teams consisting of 4 to 6 participants who represent a range of professions listed below.
- The target groups for the training programme are persons working within the Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights area at the following levels:
- Local Level: Midwives, nurse/midwives and obstetricians working in a clinical setting with the possibility of influencing decision making in their respective settings.
- Intermediate Level: Professionals responsible for educational/training activities within the SRHR area at district or provincial level.
- Central Level: SRHR professionals at teaching institutions at national level, and policy makers at national level (Ministry of Health or Ministry of Education). In addition to the above, the programme will be open to staff from national NGOs and from the private sector working in the field of SRHR.
- Applicants from the selected countries in Asia and Africa are welcome to apply.
How to Apply
The application should be filled out and submitted through the online application system.
Eligible Countries: Cambodia, Myanmar, Ethiopia, Liberia and South Sudan.
For more information, please visit Sida Call for Applications.