Deadline: 22 October 2016
ACTAE Regional Project-CANSEA Component has announced a second call for proposal under its “Competitive Grant Scheme”. ACTAE is organized in two complementary components CANSEA and ALiSEA under the responsibility of CIRAD and GRET respectively and CIRAD overall coordination:
- Strengthen and institutionalize the existing conservation agriculture network in South East Asia – CANSEA – in its function of promoting Agroecology (AE) and conservation agriculture (CA) effective adoption, notably through involving a wider spectrum of stakeholders, building linkage between agroecological movements, and working to diversify funding sources.
- Promote the emergence of a new regional agro-ecological learning initiative in South East Asia- ALiSEA, aiming at strengthening knowledge and experience sharing among agroecological initiatives and actors. It will focus mainly on promoting the concept of agro-ecological transition, documenting practices at grass root level and bridging existing experiences. Out/up scaling the development and adoption of agroecological practices among farmers through training and dissemination will be supported.
Eligible Themes
- Studies on soil fertility management at a large range from the plot to the farm, to the watershed and the territory
- Training (university level / extension staffs and farmers) aimed at CA & AE dissemination, including demonstration and training sites
- Agroecological crop protection
- Biomass management
- Complementarity between Conservation Agriculture and cattle / ruminant production
- Phyto-genetic resources management and primary production (cover plants and food crops germplasm conservation and production) in accordance with a sustainable program
- Mechanization and technical guidelines adapted to agroecology based cropping systems
- Indicators of farm and cropping systems’ performance based on bio-physics, environmental and socioeconomic parameters
Funding amount: Maximum funding will be 30 000 USD, cofounding is actively encouraged.
Eligibility Criteria
- Activities should concern Cambodia, Laos PDR, Myanmar and Vietnam.
- All recognized institutions from the CANSEA member countries are eligible.
- Projects involving at least two the CANSEA’s members will be appreciated. Members could present several proposals in the two coming years.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must send their proposals electronically at the address given on the website.
For more information, please visit Competitive Grant Scheme.