Deadline: 17-Jun-24
Implemented by the International Centre for Migration Policy Development (ICMPD) through funding from the Directorate-General for International Partnerships (DG INTPA) of the European Commission (EC), the “Support Programme to the Africa-EU Migration and Mobility Dialogue” (MMD) aims at supporting the orderly, safe and responsible migration and mobility of people within Africa and between Africa and Europe.
The MMD programme continues to support ICMPD-facilitated migration and mobility dialogues and to follow up on the Joint Valletta Action Plan (JVAP). To complement the ongoing work, in this phase a new Grant Facility is being introduced as a mechanism to support selected initiatives to be implemented by CSOs, LAs, and diaspora organisations.
The Grant Facility aims to strengthen the links between such endeavours and the JVAP framework and the dialogues, as well as increasing the visibility of the contribution of CSOs, non-state actors and LAs to the field of migration and mobility at continental, regional and /or multi-country levels. The direct involvement of these actors in the existing institutional frameworks will strengthen their role as agents of development in the field of migration and development and expand their influence within migration and development policymaking at the national, regional, and continental levels.
- Implementation of strategically relevant initiatives that can contribute to the operationalisation of engagements and commitments made in the dialogues.
- Knowledge-sharing by generating insights, research inputs, and policy recommendations that contribute to the Dialogues’ discussions and priority-setting.
Priority Thematic Areas
- Development benefits of migration and root causes of irregular migration and forced displacement
- Human development, poverty eradication, development benefits of migration, brain drain, diaspora engagement, and other similar areas.
- Legal migration and mobility
- Regular channels for migration, mobility and free movement, labour migration, integration, visa management, and other similar areas.
- Protection and asylum
- International protection, humanitarian assistance, support to refugees and vulnerable groups, asylum procedures, and other similar areas.
- Prevention of and fight against irregular migration, migrant smuggling, and trafficking in human beings
- Irregular migration, fight against migrant smuggling and trafficking in human beings, protection and assistance to vulnerable migrants, legislative and institutional frameworks, and other similar areas.
- Return, readmission, and reintegration
- Sustainable return and reintegration, return and reintegration support, and other similar areas.
Funding Information
- This Call for Proposals is EUR 9,000,000 (nine million euros).
- Minimum amount: EUR 300,000 (three hundred thousand euros).
- Maximum amount: EUR 1,500,000 (one million five hundred thousand euros).
- The duration of an action (i.e. end date of grant contract) shall be a minimum of 12 months and maximum of 18 months. Actions shall be completed by the latest 31 May 2026.
Geographic Focus
- Actions must be implemented in one or more AU Member States, and may be implemented in EU Member States if the action is targeting African diaspora.
Eligibility Criteria
- Lead applicant:
- In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
- be a Legal person. Applications from natural persons are not eligible.
- be civil society organizations, non-state actors, or a private law body with a public service mission and operating on a non-profit basis in the context of this Grant Facility.
- These may include, but are not limited to, non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, associations, diaspora organizations, social enterprises, universities, research centres, think thanks. Their activities primarily serve the public interest and contribute to the welfare or well-being of society. They must operate on a non-profit basis, wherein any surplus generated from its activities is reinvested into fulfilling its public service mission, rather than distributed to shareholders, owners, or members.
- have been established at least 3 years prior to the publication of this Call for Proposals. The establishment date of the entity must be no later than 16 of April 2021.
- be registered in either an African Union (AU) Member State; OR a European Union (EU) Member State. Lead Applicants registered in the EU must have co-applicants that are registered in an AU Member State. However, African-led diaspora organizations based in EU Member states are not required to have a co-applicant registered in the AU.
- be directly responsible for the preparation and management of the action, not acting as an intermediary.
- In order to be eligible for a grant, the lead applicant must:
- Co-applicant(s):
- Co-applicants must satisfy the eligibility criteria of (a) and (b) and (c) as applicable to the lead applicant itself and must be registered either in an African Union Member State or in a European Union Member State.
- If awarded a grant, the co-applicant(s) will become beneficiary(ies) in the action (together with the lead applicant).
- Applicants are invited to promote multi-country and muti-actor cooperation in their proposals, including through consortia:
- South-South partnerships are welcomed in the form of joint-applications from different partners reflecting a regional or sub-regional approach (e.g., multicountry proposals, or adopting a whole-of-route approach).
- North-South partnerships are also welcomed in the form of joint applications from entities based in AU and EU member states. In the latter, it is strongly encouraged that the lead applicant be the one registered in an AU Member State.
- Affiliated entities:
- These are legal entities which have a specific relationship with a beneficiary. They must satisfy the same eligibility criteria as the lead applicant or the co-applicant to which they are affiliated, and only entities having a clear structural link with the applicants (lead or coapplicant) will be considered. The structural link must be neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation:
- This link may be in the form of Membership, i.e., the beneficiary is legally defined as network, federation, or association in which the proposed affiliated entities also participate, or the beneficiary participates in the same entity (e.g. network, federation, association) as the proposed affiliated entities. The affiliation resulting from membership may be proved based on the statutes or equivalent act establishing the entity (network, federation, association) which the applicant constitutes or in which the applicant participates.
- This link may be in the form Control, i.e., entities affiliated to a grant beneficiary may be entities directly or indirectly controlled by the beneficiary (daughter companies or firsttier subsidiaries; granddaughter companies or second-tier subsidiaries); entities directly or indirectly controlling the beneficiary (parent companies); entities under the same direct or indirect control as the beneficiary (sister companies). The affiliation resulting from control may be proved based on the consolidated accounts of the group of entities the applicant and its proposed affiliates belong to.
- These are legal entities which have a specific relationship with a beneficiary. They must satisfy the same eligibility criteria as the lead applicant or the co-applicant to which they are affiliated, and only entities having a clear structural link with the applicants (lead or coapplicant) will be considered. The structural link must be neither limited to the action nor established for the sole purpose of its implementation:
- The following types of actions are ineligible for funding:
- Actions concerned solely or mainly with individual sponsorships for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences and congresses;
- Actions concerned solely with scholarships/subsidies for studies that could be covered by another EU framework of support (such as Erasmus, Erasmus Mundus, etc.);
- In case multiple applications for the same project idea are submitted, duplicates may be rendered ineligible.
- Actions that involve activities that could harm the safety and security of beneficiaries, partners and organisations during implementations, or otherwise expose them to risks (in any case, ICMPD shall not take any responsibility in this regard).
- Actions with commercial objective.
For more information, visit ICMPD.