Deadline: 17-May-24
The WorldWise Global Schools (WWGS) provides grant funding to post-primary education settings and to NGOs & Education Networks (who work in the post-primary sector in Ireland).
WWGS recognises the role of NGOs and education networks in supporting post-primary engagement with Global Citizenship Education, and in building their capacity to do able to do GCE. NGOs and education networks have long been a key resource and support for post-primary settings seeking guidance in relation to GCE, and for those seeking ways to deepen their engagement with GCE. NGOs and education networks often provide enhanced learning in niche areas and assist WWGS to build the GCE capacity of a greater number of post-primary settings.
- One of the key outputs of the WWGS programme is to support GCE NGOs and education networks in the promotion and implementation of a whole school approach to GCE in the post-primary sector. A whole school approach to GCE is articulated through the WWGS Global Passport Framework. Applicants seeking funding from WWGS must demonstrate a commitment and capacity to deliver a whole school approach to post-primary GCE.
- WWGS places importance on the sustainability of GCE initiatives at post-primary. Applicants should consider the sustained impact that their proposed project can achieve in terms of embedding GCE into the culture and ethos of post primary settings. The application should demonstrate how shared learning is an integral component of the proposed project.
Funding Information
- Grants available for Schools for 2024-2025: School Grant: up to €800
- Funding Period: 2024-2025 Academic Year
- WWGS has an available grants allocation of €425,000 under Grant Call 2024, which will be used to support NGOs, Education Networks, School Clusters and Individual Schools.
- Applicants can apply to WWGS for maximum multi-annual grant funding of up to €80,000 under Grant Call 2024.
Target Audiences
- There is a wide-ranging and diverse target audience within post-primary settings. WWGS welcomes projects working with students / teachers / school management particularly at Junior Cycle, Senior Cycle, Leaving Cert Applied (LCA), Leaving Cert Vocational Programme (LCVP), Youth reach Centres, as well as Colleges of Further Education (CFEs).
- Applicants are particularly encouraged to consider post-primary settings that may have had more marginalised engagement with GCE to date such as, for example, DEIS schools, Gaelscoileanna, or schools in locations with more limited access to GCE resources and expertise.
- Applicants are particularly encouraged to reach out to new post-primary settings in their proposed project i.e. those not currently engaged with WWGS. This approach will assist WWGS in building a wider portfolio of post-primary engagement in GCE.
Who can apply?
- WWGS endeavours to support NGOs and education networks that demonstrate effective GCE delivery, engagement, capacity building, good practice and financial oversight. Applications for multi-annual funding are invited from eligible organisations for GCE initiatives in post-primary settings during the 2024/25 and 2025/26 academic years under Grant Call 2024.
- Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)
- Established Education Networks
- Any NGO or established education network engaged in GCE at post-primary level that meets the following criteria is eligible to apply for WWGS grant funding.
- Organisational Status: Applicant organisations must have a charitable tax exemption from the Irish Office of the Revenue Commissioners i.e. be the holder of a charity reference number (CHY), or hold a current Tax Clearance Certificate.
- Governance: Applicant organisations must have a formal decision-making structure that can take legal responsibility for the administration and use of Irish aid worldwise global schools funds.
- Dependency on Irish Aid: Income received from Irish Aid, either directly or indirectly, must not exceed 90% of the applicant’s overall organisational income. This dependency must not exceed 60% in cases where an organisation is a recipient of income under Irish Aid’s Civil Society Fund (CSF). Applications requesting in excess of this amount will be deemed ineligible.
- Funding Status: Applicant organisations in receipt of a Programme Grant from Irish Aid, or who are Strategic Partners of the Irish Aid Global Citizenship Education Unit, are not generally eligible to apply for WWGS funding.
- Financial Accountability: Applicants should have annual accounts for the two most recent financial years available and, where possible, on their organisation’s website. In cases where the annual organisational income exceeds €100,000, these must be independently audited accounts.
- Record of Compliance: Applicant organisations previously in receipt of WWGS/Irish Aid funds must have a record of compliance in terms of the administration and use of such funds (i.e. have submitted financial and narrative reports as per agreed schedules in previous contracts). Applicants who have a previous record of non-compliance with the terms of a WWGS/Irish Aid contract, including adherence to Specific Conditions, may not be considered for further funding. Additionally, grantees who have not made themselves available for WWGS support meetings and training within the duration of their grant funding period, may not be considered for future funding.
- Child Protection: Organisations that work with children and young adults under the age of 18 must have child protection policies in place that are dated and in compliance with policy guideline Children First National Guidance for the Protection and Welfare of Children
- Joint Applications: WWGS will accept applications from entities that wish to jointly apply for a collaborative GCE engagement. In such instances there will be an eligible lead applicant who will be responsible for submitting the application on behalf of the other organisation(s). It is expected that all parties to the application would be responsible for contributing to delivery of the proposed project.
- The following is an indicative list of the type of costs that are not eligible for WWGS funding:
- Costs incurred outside the project timeframe;
- Capital or equipment costs (unless justified as essential to the delivery of the project);
- Consultant fees to prepare applications;
- The purchase, repair or furnishing of buildings;
- Servicing debts or loans;
- Contingencies;
- Retrospective expenditure, i.e. costs incurred prior to the agreed project start date/signature of the contract with WWGS;
- Projects with a primary aim to raise the profile of an organisation or to raise funds;
- Organisational development;
- Projects with a development studies rather than a GCE focus;
- Exposure visits overseas, including flights and other associated costs in country;
- Proposals confined to individual schools are ineligible;
- Research;
- Campaigning and advocacy projects are not eligible unless they adequately demonstrate GCE content;
- Cultural events are ineligible unless part of a wider GCE project and demonstrate adequate GCE content;
For more information, visit WWGS.