Deadline: 15 July 2017
The Waterbird Society is seeking applications for its Kushlan Research Award to encourage significant scientific advances in the biology, ecology, or conservation biology of wading birds (i.e. herons, storks, ibises, and their taxonomic allies).
Focus Areas
- Species relationships within the group
- The status, range, and population sizes of little-known species of Ciconiiformes
Funding Information
Awards will be offered in most years – one or more awards from $1,000 to $7,000 will be made.
Eligibility Criteria
- These awards are open to applicants, professional, amateur, or student, of any age, globally.
- Proposals will be judged on the basis of the described work’s likelihood to contribute significant new information to the published literature regarding the biology, ecology, or conservation biology of wading birds (herons, egrets, storks, ibises, and spoonbills)
- All proposals must be printed in English in standard 12-point font format.
- Proposals should be brief (5 pages total), and should include a cover sheet a narrative and a budget.
- The narrative should provide a rationale and methodology, including why the work is important and likely to produce significant results.
- The budget should include details regarding how the money requested is to be spent, the total cost of the project, and other sources of potential funding already applied for.
- Verification of appropriate permits from relevant government agencies to carry out the work must be provided in advance of any award.
How to Apply
Applications should be submitted at the address given on the website.
For more information, please visit Kushlan Research Award.