Deadline: 31-Jul-2024
Paradigm Initiative under the Data Rights and Enforcement through Community Trust (DIRECT) project is calling on small organisations who work with disadvantaged/marginalised groups to develop and implement a 3 month data rights advocacy plan.
The DIRECT (Data Rights and Enforcement through Community Trust) project is an initiative led by Internews through its network of partners in Africa, South America, and Southeast Asia to advocate for rights-respecting data protection policy, support community-driven action to defend personal data, and expand an international network of organizations to jointly press for more accountable, independent, and empowered institutions to defend users’ data. Internews’ activities are funded by an award from the US Department of State (DOS).
As a part of the DIRECT project, Paradigm Initiative in Nigeria is carrying out an advocacy campaign that seeks to center the realities of marginalized communities and new stakeholders within data protection policies and advocacy for data rights. Towards these goals, DIRECT features a grassroots advocacy grant pool designed to provide support to diversify the organizations and perspectives working on and engaged with data protection in Nigeria.
This grants pool is targeted specifically at organizations representing marginalized or traditionally underrepresented groups. The goal of this grants-based initiative is to engage key communities to build advocacy campaigns focused on direct advocacy with policymakers, awareness raising, and the production of community-centered stories of impact that highlight the potential risks associated with weak or nonexistent data protection legislation.
Each grant will feed into Paradigm Initiative’s larger advocacy efforts under DIRECT, raising awareness about data protection and promoting policy that directly responds to and considers the needs of a diverse coalition of actors— particularly for those who normally do not have a seat at the table.
Funding Information
- Proposed detailed budget between $1,500 – $3,500 USD using the provided budget template
Eligible Projects
- Paradigm Initiative and Internews will award three grants for grassroots advocacy-oriented activities, particularly those that aim to expand the organizations and perspectives working on and engaged with data protection in Nigeria (only one grant per geo-political zone will be selected). Potential projects include:
- Collected video testimonials from impacted communities on how/why data protection is important to them
- Short research reports demonstrating harms faced by these communities and existing policy gaps
- Awareness raising campaigns to improve knowledge about data rights within key communities
- Trainings for key communities to improve knowledge about existing laws and data rights
- Direct lobbying campaigns to bring key communities to speak to policymakers about their experiences
- Podcasts, magazines, art, music or creative efforts to illustrate the importance of data protection
- A compulsory end of project report that summarizes, communities reached, data rights harms faced by these communities, recommendations and advocacy impact
- This list is not exhaustive & they encourage the submission of creative proposals that feature innovative approaches to advocacy.
- Internews anticipates subgrants awarded under this mechanism to have a performance period of 3 months.
- Selected grants are limited to eligible organizations (specific eligibility criteria below) that represent or regularly engage with marginalized or traditionally underrepresented groups and have previous experience carrying out advocacy activities.
Eligibility Criteria
- Organizations applying for this opportunity must meet the following eligibility criteria:
- Be a local independent and registered organization in Nigeria
- Be in good standing in performance and reporting under previous Internews subgrants, if applicable
- Represent or regularly engage with marginalized or traditionally underrepresented groups including Persons with disabilities, rural communities, tribal, ethnic or linguistic minorities, sexual minorities etc.
- Have experience carrying out advocacy or awareness raising campaigns, preferably around digital rights. (You do not need to be an expert in data protection)
- Not be listed with active exclusions on the UN Security Designation List, Specially Designated Nationals and Blocked Persons List, System for Award Management (SAM), or Internews List of Debarred Subrecipients
For more information, visit Paradigm Initiative.