Deadline extended till 2 June 2017
Asia Pacific Forum on Women, Law and Development (APWLD) in association with the Center for Trade Union and Human Rights, is currently seeking applicants for its 4th ”Women Leading, Women Organizing’ Training” in Manila, the Philippines from 25th-29th July, which will precede the ASEAN People’s Forum on 30th July-1st August 2017.
The training will focus on labour rights, and migrant workers’ rights in the context of globalisation, fundamentalism, militarism, and feminist development justice. The sessions will seek to develop participants’ capacities in terms of organising methods; feminist analysis of work; leadership skills; collective bargaining, and the agendas of the Decent Work, Development Justice, etc.
Training Objectives
- Enhance the leadership, voice, influence and capacity of women in migrants organisations and trade unions so that the participants are able to promote feminist justice in organisational structures, programs and campaigns
- Increase trade union organising, collectivism in informal sectors where migrant workers are the majority and largely non-unionised
- Increase the capacity of women migrant workers and trade union leaders in organising and advocate for Development Justice in particular Decent Work and Living Wage at national, regional and international levels
- Increase the capacity of women trade union leaders to organise and advocate for the rights of migrant workers
Program Structure
- Pre-training (guidelines and materials will be provided by APWLD):
- Collate and submit national information and relevant case studies
- Accomplish reading materials, as provided, prior to participating in the training
- During training:
- Actively participate and share knowledge, expertise and experiences, including making presentations, mock speeches etc.
- Develop a personal action plan at the end of the training
- Post-training:
- Maintain regular contact with APWLD and colleagues in the training to exchange lessons, experiences, practices and impacts that result from the training.
Eligibility Criteria
- Women migrant organisations and unions from Asia Pacific countries (15 pax)
- Women leaders from trade unions or human rights based organisations, who are interested/already involved in migrant workers’ rights (5 pax)
- Women delegates, organisers from migrant workers organisations and trade union leaders (both registered and unregistered, informal unions or associations are eligible)
- Engagement in migrants’ rights organisation or trade union/s for minimum of 1 year
- Able to fully attend the training from 25th-29th July and ASEAN People’s Forum on 30th July-1st August as well.
- The workshop and learning material will be in English. Applicants who are not proficient in English may be considered where another participant can support translation. Organisations may nominate two participants with one being an English speaker.
- APWLD members as well as non-members from across Asia Pacific may apply. Applications from unions/organisations who have attended in previous trainings are also welcome.
How to Apply
Interested applicants must submit:
- Completed application form;
- Updated Curriculum Vitae (not more than 2 pages long) and
- Endorsement/Recommendation letter from their organisation
All three documents must be submitted via email with subject line as “Application for Women Leading, Women Organising Training”.
Eligible Countries: Brunei Darussalam, Cambodia, Indonesia, Lao PDR, Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Viet Nam
For more information, please visit Women Leading, Women Organising Training.