Deadline: 23-Sep-22
The Northern Territory Government is pleased to announce the Youth Justice Supported Accommodation Grant Program in the Barkly Region.
Key Elements
- The Youth Justice Supported Accommodation service will consist of the following key elements:
- The Facility is a safe space to provide shelter and food to young people relevant to their age, development and individual history;
- Young people are provided the services and supervision necessary to comply with their bail and/or Court ordered conditions;
- A trauma informed and therapeutic care approach is used to meet the physical, emotional, cultural and health needs of young people;
- Young people are provided the opportunity to access health checks and are case managed, which includes an exit planning processes, to ensure appropriate wrap around supports are identified and provided;
- Collaborative service integration through the coordination and engagement of in-reach services such as education, vocational training, health and wellbeing services;
- Young people have access to support services to address offending behaviors and engagement in restorative actions or programs;
- Engage young people and their families in appropriate and timely therapeutic responses that respond to evidence based needs assessment tools;
- Ensure the Facility and its service delivery is suitable for the use of the electronic monitoring program; and
- Maintain productive and close partnerships with the Department and other service providers involved in supporting young people and their families.
- The Service will operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and will include:
- Youth Supported Accommodation; and
- Bail/Court Ordered Supervision Service for Young People.
Eligible Proposal
- The proposal must:
- Outline the scope and approach to deliver the Service;
- Identify all stakeholders and intended partners in the delivery of the Service;
- Proposes timeframes for mobilization, implementation and delivery of the Service;
- Identify how they will meet the Commitments; and
- Propose a budget for the five (5) year operation of the Facility showing the adequacy of the Funding to complete the full term of the Funding Agreement.
Eligibility Criteria
- The NT Government recognizes the importance of strengthening, and building the capacity and capability of Aboriginal organizations in the NT, to provide services to Aboriginal people that are aligned to their needs and aspirations.
- Only Aboriginal Business Enterprises (ABEs) may apply. ABEs must be:
- 51% or more Aboriginal owned or controlled, with preference to an ABE that is a Local Aboriginal Business for the purpose of the ILUA (ie the Native Title Holders and Aboriginal people resident in Tennant Creek, the Barkly region or communities on or surrounding the ILUA area that may be affected by the funded Services);
- Operating as a business (whether the legal entity is a company (either for profit or not for profit), an incorporated association, or another kind of legal entity.);
- A minimum of 40% Aboriginal employment (from the local community where possible); and
- Registered with a Certifying Authority. The Northern Territory Indigenous Business Network (NTIBN) is the primary certifying body in the Northern Territory. Other approved certifying authorities are Supply Nation or the Office of the Registrar of Indigenous Corporations (ORIC).
- ABEs must have published audited accounts for at least the past three (3) years available for inspection by the Department.
- Organizations that do not meet the eligibility criteria are required to form either a joint venture or partnership with an eligible ABE. The lead organization in these arrangements must be an eligible ABEs.
- Only the lead organization will enter into a grant agreement with the NT Government, and will be responsible for the administration of grant funding. The lead organization should complete the application form and identify all other partners in the application.
For more information, visit