Deadline: 12-May-24
The African Union Commission (AUC), with the support of the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ), is delighted to launch the second Grant Call for civic tech innovations in Africa to catalyse and scale innovative civic tech solutions that harness the power of technology to drive citizen-led transformative action across the African continent.
The Grant process is managed by continental partners, the Civic Tech Innovation Network (CTIN) and Ushahidi. The African Union Civic Tech Fund (AUCTF) presents an opportunity for dynamic African initiatives to catalyse and scale their innovative civic tech solutions. Successful recipients of the grant call will financial support to scale and accelerate their civic-tech projects and initiatives. Applications for funding must align with the African Union’s Agenda 2063 – Africa’s blueprint and master plan to deliver on its goal for inclusive and sustainable development.
In particular, the Fund responds to the need to drive forward meaningful citizen participation in spaces of governance through the innovative use of data and digital technologies to address governance and development challenges while recognising the central importance of Africa’s youth in shaping the future of the continent.
- Strengthen citizen trust and foster active participation in sustainable civic tech initiatives.
- Cultivate robust and resilient civic tech ecosystems, empowering citizens through improved access to and utilization of information and fostering accountability.
- Drive improved, inclusive, and transparent governance and policy development at local, national, and regional levels.
Focus Areas
- Civic Engagement
- Transparency and Accountability
- Community Driven Solutions
- Governance Innovation and service delivery
- Youth Empowerment
- Gender Equality
- Peace building and security
Funding Information
- €15 000 to 15 African Grantees for 12 months to support replicable and scalable civic tech, citizen-led innovations across the African continent.
Why apply?
- Financial Support: Secure funding from the African Union Civic Tech Fund.
- Capacity Building: Access opportunities for skill development and enhancement.
- Building community: Peer-to-peer learning and becoming part of a network of civic-tech innovators from across the continent
- Visibility: Showcase your work within the vibrant civic tech community.
Who can apply?
- You are invited to apply if you:
- Are an African organisations or initiative registered (or domiciled) in any African Union Member State.
- Have a project committed to leveraging digital technology for civic engagement, transparency, and communitydriven development.
- Are led by and addressing the challenges faced by African women, youth and marginalised groups.
- You are Ineligible if you are:
- A previous AUCTF beneficiary.
- An international or non-African entity (incl. subsidiary of a global organisation.)
- A non-registered entity.
- A corporation or Government agency.
- A blacklisted entity or individual.
For more information, visit CTIN.