Deadline: 01-Sep-20
The Darwin Initiative is seeking applications for the Round 27 of Main Project Funding 2020 to support for projects tackling key threats to biodiversity in developing countries.
The Darwin Initiative aims to build local capacity to manage local biodiversity and the natural environment for the future, securing the benefits of these natural resources for people.
Funding Information
Darwin projects should be a minimum of £50,000 and no more than £500,000
- The minimum length of a project is 1 year and the maximum length is 3 years.
- Any budget commitment must end by 30 June 2024.
- Objectives of the fund: Biodiversity
- The objective of the Darwin Initiative is to protect and enhance biodiversity and contribute to sustainable development in developing countries. It does this by funding projects that help developing countries to meet their obligations under at least one relevant international environment convention/agreement and that tackle key threats to biodiversity.
- Objectives of the fund: Reducing poverty
- Projects funded under the Darwin Initiative must support sustainable development in developing countries for the reduction of poverty.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applicants must have experience of managing similar projects in developing countries
- Be able to demonstrate financial stability and provide audited accounts
- The proposed project leader must have suitable qualifications or a minimum of around 10 years’ experience working on similar projects in developing countries.
- Applications must come from an organisation, and not an individual. Applicant organisations can be based in any country.
- Not expect foreign governments and their agencies to lead on projects, though they may be partners. Darwin funding cannot be used as a substitute for activities that would normally be part of a government’s core functions (such as fulltime staff salaries or routine management activities).
- Organisations applying for funding must:
- have a credible record of working on similar types of projects
- have demonstrated experience managing projects, preferably of a similar size
- nominate a Project Leader who will be responsible for the technical direction of the project and be the main point of contact
All applications must be submitted through Flexi-Grant and must be in comprehensible English.
- Please note that applications at both Stage 1 and Stage 2 must meet the published administrative, technical and financial criteria in order to be considered. This includes, but is not limited to:
- All questions must be completed (N/A is acceptable if appropriate), and all required supporting attachments must be submitted
- Applications must be signed (with a PDF signature uploaded as part of the Flexi-Grant application)
- The start and end dates must be within the funding period stated in the guidance
- The logframe, using the Darwin template, is uploaded as a completed PDF document
- CVs or job descriptions (where role not yet recruited) submitted must be one page only and must be uploaded as one single PDF document (Stage 2 only)
- Letters of support should be uploaded as one PDF document where possible (Stage 2 only)
- The budget must be fully completed using the format provided (Stage 2 only).
- Please note: the financial format uses Defra’s financial years: 1st April to 31st March.
- Please also note the following with regards to the completion of the budget forms:
- Applicants seeking over £100,000 in funding must complete the full budget form which must be uploaded to Flexi-Grant.
- Applicants seeking less than £100,000 in funding must complete the shorter budget form which must be uploaded to Flexi-Grant.
These eligibility criteria will be strictly enforced and applications that are incomplete, or do not meet the published criteria, including financials, will be rejected as ineligible.
For more information, visit