Deadline: 05-Apr-2024
The BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz is offering grants to support both local and world peace projects.
- Christ came not only to bring spiritual reconciliation but also to initiate a redeemed and healed social order. As they seek to follow Jesus, they take up this message of liberation and reconciliation, and act on it by equipping, mobilizing, and gathering to build a culture of peace rooted in justice. Peace Fund applications will need to be linked to achieving the goals stated in one of these categories:
- Equipping: They equip individuals, regional groups, and congregations with tools for spoken witness and the hands-on work of peace rooted in justice. Proposals for carrying out training should aim at bringing new skills to the community and building capacity for peacemaking. Examples: Conflict Transformation Training or Anti-Racism Training
- Mobilizing: They mobilize individuals, groups, and churches, in response to pressing concerns – guided by the wisdom of those whose realities are local to the concern at hand. Proposals under this category should be designated to assist indigenous or local people in the affected area to facilitate a compassionate and just response. A responsible project is one that will build capacity for a culture of peace. Examples: Examples of mobilizing that they have supported include supporting a community group working against a cement plant that would harm the local environment and economy, helping people attend protests against the disappearance of the 43 Mexican students from Ayotzinapa, and supporting participation in the People’s Climate March.
- Gathering: They gather together regionally and internationally to mutually strengthen and support one another’s witness through community prayer, education, fellowship, and song. Gatherings are an essential part of peacemaking and of building community. Gatherings funded by the Peace Fund need to have a clear objective to build friendships and understanding across cultures and/or to build relationships for working together on a particular issue for peace. Funding for gatherings may cover the cost of hosting a dialogue group, scholarship aid for participants on a tour, the cost of advertising a tour, and similar expenses. Examples: Friendship Tours or Interfaith Gatherings
Funding Information
- The maximum grant currently available through this fund is $1,500 USD. Grant requests over $1,500 USD will not be considered.
Eligibility Criteria
- Applications must equip, mobilize, or gather people to build a culture of peace rooted in justice. They prioritize:
- Applicants operating in one of BPFNA’s four member nations: the United States, Canada, Mexico, or Puerto Rico
- Projects supporting BPFNA’s annual theme
- Projects tailored to their local context that develop and strengthen indigenous leadership
- Applicants and projects for which limited funding can make a significant impact
- Peace Fund grants are renewable for 3 years. Since funding is not automatically guaranteed, renewal applications should include updates on project development.
- Within 60 days of the project’s completion grantees must provide a report that indicates how monies were spent, how well the project accomplished its goals, and what challenges were faced.
- They will only consider applications that meet the criteria for one of the three categories outlined above. They will prioritize:
- Ongoing relationships between their organization and grant recipients
- Projects that are tailored for their local context
- Projects that develop and strengthen local, indigenous leadership
- Projects for which their limited funding can make a significant impact
For more information, visit BPFNA~Bautistas por la Paz.