Deadline: 28-Jun-2024
The Slovenian Ministry of Education recognises the importance of all aspects of the Council of Europe’s framework for digital citizenship and has therefore announced a public tender entitled “Digital citizenship in educational institutions – strengthening competences for a digital society in education”.
The public call is co-funded by the Recovery and Resilience Facility and Next Generation EU. The call will be implemented in line with the strategic plan under the “Smart, Sustainable and Inclusive Growth” development area.
The main objective of this public call is to raise awareness of the relevance of digital citizenship and to develop competences with a focus on digital citizenship in the context of education.
- The objectives of the public tender are:
- Develop competencies with an emphasis on digital citizenship in the context of education.
- To test and evaluate content and approaches for developing and strengthening competences with an emphasis on digital citizenship among managerial and professional workers, learners and parents.
- Prepare a proposal for a reference framework for developing digital citizenship in the context of education.
Funding Information
- The total amount of funds available for public tender up to and including 2026 is approximately EUR 850,000.00.
- Project activities begin on the day the selection decision is issued, and the deadline for completing project activities is 4/30/2026.
Target Groups
- Managers and professionals in kindergartens, primary and secondary schools, children, pupils, students, parents and guardians, researchers in the field of education, educational policy makers.
Eligibility Criteria
- Public higher education institutions, public institutions according to Article 28 of the ZOFVI, public research institutions, public infrastructure institutions, elementary schools, secondary vocational and professional schools, high schools, non-governmental organizations, non-profit organizations can apply to the public tender as consortium partners (including the managing director), associations and other private non-profit institutions operating in the field of education.
- The applicant and each consortium partner must meet the following general conditions on the day of submission of the application to the public tender:
- is registered with the competent court or other registration authority in the Republic of Slovenia;
- has settled all taxes, contributions and other duties in accordance with the applicable legislation, or the value of unpaid due obligations does not amount to EUR 50.00 or more;
- is not in compulsory settlement proceedings, bankruptcy proceedings, liquidation proceedings or compulsory winding-up proceedings, its affairs are not managed by a court for other reasons, it has not abandoned its business activity and it was not in a state of insolvency on the date of submission of the application, in accordance with the provisions of the Financial Operations Act, proceedings due to insolvency and forced termination
- he is not prohibited from doing business in relation to the ministry to the extent that follows from 35 and 36.
For more information, visit Slovenian Ministry of Education.