Deadline: 30-Sep-23
The Small Grants Program (SGP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF), implemented by UNDP Moldova, invites CSOs (including LAGs) to submit project proposals in the field of Community-based Conservation of ecosystems and threatened species.
The Small Grants Program (SGP) of the Global Environment Facility (GEF) was established in 1992, expressing very well the principle of sustainable development “Think globally, act locally”. By offering financial and technical support aimed at preserving and restoring the components of the environment and the environment in general, while simultaneously contributing to the improvement of people’s living conditions, the Small Grants Program demonstrates that community activities can maintain the fragile balance between human needs and environmental considerations.
SGP participates in solving problems related to the environment and sustainable development by awarding small grants to communities, community organizations for the implementation of projects that correspond to the strategic priorities of the Global Environment Facility and the principles of sustainable development. The initiatives supported by the GEF intersect with actions to eradicate poverty and the capacity of communities.
Strategic and Related Program Initiatives in Operational Stage 7
- GEF SGP in operational stage 7 aims to develop the following areas:
- community-based conservation of threatened ecosystems and species;
- the co-benefits of access to energy with low carbon emissions;
- from local to global coalitions for chemicals management and waste management;
- catalyzing sustainable urban solutions;
- community-based adaptation;
- strengthening social inclusion;
- Monitoring and evaluation, as well as knowledge management.
Funding Information
- The maximum amount for an allocated grant is US$50,000, taking into account the implementation capacities of the grant applicant and partners. For strategic projects in which several communities and several NGOs participate, the maximum amount offered is 150,000 US dollars.
- An organization cannot receive more than USD 50,000 in an operational phase, regardless of the number of projects. The project initiator can submit the next project proposal only after the successful completion of the initial project.
- The maximum project implementation period will be 24 months.
Eligible Activities
- Landscape Protection: expansion of landscapes with increased ecological value (forests, pastures), ecological reconstruction of eroded lands or lands subject to landslides, increasing the ecoprotective and bioproductive potential, preservation of the rural landscape, protection of hydrographic basins, renaturation of riverbeds, preservation of biodiversity and restoration of aquatic habitats, protection limestone areas (including landscape, flora, fauna),
- Afforestation: afforestation of degraded lands (rips, lands affected by landslides, eroded lands), solutions to ensure the sustainability of forested lands, planting native species of trees (including the creation of nurseries, seed banks), involving the population in forestry reconstruction activities, planting forests on cliffs
- Vegetation: actions to increase the proportion of pastures, weeding with perennial melliferous/medicinal plants, improvement of degraded pastures,
- Consolidation of the network of protected areas: expansion of the national ecological network (especially the one at the local level), creation of areas and strips of protection of rivers and water basins, improvement of the management of the network of natural protected areas, creation of small infrastructure for the exploitation of protected natural landscapes (e.g. arrangement of viewpoints);
- Rehabilitation of agricultural and rural landscapes: promotion of the integrated management of agro-ecosystems, promotion of elements of ecological agriculture and environmentally friendly practices (agroterraces, reed fences, anti-erosion waves/strips, etc.), rehabilitation of springs/wells, technologies for impermeable water basins, creation /restoration of protection sheets and reduction of agricultural land degradation processes, implementation of tenures,
- Protecting threatened species: identifying and improving habitats for endangered species, increasing the visibility of the issue of endangered species, inventorying nests of rare species, improving living conditions for animals (eg: actions to install nests for endangered species), consolidating habitats (uniting several isolated habitats).
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligible organizations as direct applicants to the GEF SGP are non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and community organizations (COs) legally registered in Moldova, provided they have at least one partner from the project implementation area who carries out activities within the project. Previous experience of direct applicants regarding working in partnership, especially with local partners in the project implementation area and/or with local communities in the project area is an advantage.
- Funding requests can be submitted by NGOs operating in different fields, provided that their interests correspond to the goals and principles of the GEF SGP.
- Direct applicants must demonstrate that they have the capacity to implement the proposed project. To this end, they must prove the following:
- previous experience in the development, implementation and evaluation of projects;
- the experience of human resources in the priority areas of the GEF SGP;
- logistics for project implementation (office space, computers, telephone, Internet access, etc.).
- Also, direct applicants must prove the following:
- that they are legally registered in Moldova, in accordance with the legislation in force (the copies of the organization’s registration certificate, the statute, the certificate of assignment of statistical codes and the bank certificate are attached);
- they are non-profit, autonomous and independent organizations;
- they are not subordinated to any government institution.
- In all cases, the funds received from the GEF SGP must be used locally, in the project implementation area.
- Direct applicants collaborate in the development, implementation and evaluation of projects with various partners, who also contribute (financially or otherwise) to the achievement of the project’s objectives. Partners can be:
- local public authorities;
- representatives of local communities;
- national and local government institutions (ministries, research institutions, agencies, etc.);
- other NGOs and/or OCs, professional associations, landowners’ associations, farmers’ associations, etc.;
- private companies;
- social and educational institutions (hospitals, homes for the elderly or children, community centers, institutions for people with special needs, as well as schools, universities, etc.).
For more information, visit UNDP.