Deadline: 07-Jun-2024
The National Council for Persons with Disabilities is inviting National Organizations of Persons with Disabilities, to submit proposals to undertake lobbying and advocacy.
- The lobbying and Advocacy programme aims to raise awareness and mobilize action for mainstreaming disability issues at the county and national levels government. This objective is achieved through making grant to Organizations of Persons with Disabilities (OPDs) to build platforms for raising awareness, piloting of innovative ideas, influencing policies and interventions aimed at benefiting persons with disabilities.
Thematic Area
- Building resilience of persons with disabilities to cope with climate change and climate related disasters in Kenya.
Aim of the Thematic Area
- To build the capacity of OPDs to more effectively take action in improving the resilience of persons with disabilities to climate change and climate related disasters;
- Capacity Building for Organizations of persons with disabilities, persons with disabilities and local governments to address Climate Change, and enhance institutional frameworks;
- Advocating for establishment of early warning infrastructure and last mile services targeting the specific needs of persons with disabilities to better manage and reduce vulnerability of climate change induced risks;
- Knowledge generation and dissemination of the effectiveness of targeted measures to reduce the vulnerability of persons with disabilities to climate change risks.
Funding Information
- The maximum grant is KES 500,000 for projects that relate to “Building resilience of persons with disabilities to cope with climate change and climate related disasters in Kenya.
Eligibility Criteria
- The project scope in terms of geographical area must be within a County. This call is open to National OPDs in all the 47 Counties in Kenya.
For more information, visit National Council for Persons with Disabilities.