Deadline: 25-May-24
The European Commission (EC) is currently accepting applications for the a thematic program to promote the strengthening and active participation of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) in sustainable development, inclusion, promotion and protection of human rights, as well as in the fight against violence, discrimination and all types of inequalities, with special emphasis on groups in vulnerable situations.
Objectives and Priorities
- Applicants can submit proposals in one of the following two thematic lots:
- Lot 1 – Sustainable economic development and inclusive public policies (Program Budget Theme of Strengthening Civil Society)
- The proposals submitted under Lot 1 must be aligned with the following priority areas of the PIP 2021-2027:
- Priority area 2: Employment, decent work and growth
- Priority area 3: Rule of law and democratic governance
- The specific objective of Lot 1 of this call for proposals is: Strengthen the capacities of the CSO as actors of sustainable development and citizen participation with special attention to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, with a particular focus on areas related to implementation of the initiatives promoted within the framework of the Global Gateway Investment Agenda.
- The proposals submitted under Lot 1 must be aligned with the following priority areas of the PIP 2021-2027:
- Lot 2 – Protection and conservation of natural resources (including forest resources) and response to environmental conflicts (Budget of the Thematic Program on Human Rights and Democracy)
- The proposals presented under Lot 2 must be aligned with the following priority area of the PIP 2021-2027:
- Priority area 1: Sustainable Management of Natural Resources and Climate Change
- The specific objective of Lot 2 of this call for proposals is: Strengthen the role of Civil Society in promoting a favorable environment for the protection and conservation of natural resources with a particular focus on areas intended for investment related to the initiatives promoted in the framework of the Global Gateway investment agenda or seeking complementarity with the Forest Alliance between the EU and Honduras.
- The priorities of this call for proposals are:
- Initiatives that contain inclusion and intersectionality, as a work approach, and that address the comprehensive and differentiated problems of the target groups beneficiaries of the proposal, which must be reflected in the details of their activities, logical framework and in the budget. Gender mainstreaming remains the main means to achieve gender equality. Its purpose is to ensure that all policies and programs maximize their benefits for all and contribute to stopping the perpetuation of inequality. The new EU7 Gender Action Plan for 2021-2025 (GAP III) calls for making gender equality a transversal priority in the EU’s external action. Wherever possible, gender-sensitive and sex-disaggregated indicators and gender analyzes will be developed for all target groups to inform the design of future actions. This priority will be taken into consideration when evaluating the proposals.
- Proposals that implement the Results-Based Management model in such a way that the document clearly establishes the objectives, expected results, intervention strategies and methodologies consistent with the budget and schedule, in such a way that it responds to the needs of the target populations of this call and having the Rights Holder as a reference throughout the Action.
- The proposals presented under Lot 2 must be aligned with the following priority area of the PIP 2021-2027:
- Lot 1 – Sustainable economic development and inclusive public policies (Program Budget Theme of Strengthening Civil Society)
Funding Information
- The total indicative amount allocated to this call for proposals amounts to EUR 4,567,500. The Contracting Authority reserves the right not to award all available funds.
- Indicative distribution of the funds by lot or geographic distribution:
- Lot 1 – Sustainable economic development and inclusive public policies (Program Budget Theme of Strengthening Civil Society): EUR 2,767,500
- Lot 2 – Protection and conservation of natural resources (including forest resources) and response to environmental conflicts (Budget of the Thematic Rights Program Humans and Democracy): 1,800,000 EUR
- The initial planned duration of an action may not be less than 24 months nor more than 36 months.
- Subsidy amounts
- The subsidies requested within this call for proposals will be between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
- minimum amount: 600,000 EUR
- maximum amount: 900,000 EUR
- The subsidies requested within this call for proposals will be between the following minimum and maximum percentages of the total eligible costs of the action:
- Minimum percentage: 60% of the total eligible costs of the action.
- Maximum percentage: 85% of the total eligible costs of the action.
- The subsidies requested within this call for proposals will be between the following minimum and maximum amounts:
Ineligible Actions
- The following types of action are not eligible:
- actions exclusively or mainly focused on individual aid for participation in workshops, seminars, conferences or congresses;
- actions exclusively or mainly intended for individual scholarships for studies or training;
- actions to help political parties;
- actions that include proselytism;
- actions that consist of financing the regular activities of the participant or its partners.
Eligibility Criteria
- Primary applicant
- To be eligible for a grant, the main applicant must:
- be a legal entity; and
- not have a profit motive; and
- be a civil society organization;
- be established in Honduras, or a Member State of the European Union or other eligible countries in accordance with the provisions of the IVCDCI-GE (REGULATION (EU) 2021/947 OF THE EUROPEAN PARLIAMENT AND OF THE COUNCIL of June 9, 2021 establishing the Neighborhood, Development Cooperation and International Cooperation of – Global Europe). Only in the case of Lot 2 “Protection and conservation natural resources (including forest resources) and response to environmental conflicts (Budget of the Thematic Program on Human Rights and Democracy):” all Countries are eligible; and
- be directly responsible, with their co-applicants and affiliated entities, for the preparation and management of the action and not simply act as intermediaries; and
- present with a minimum of two co-applicants per proposal; and
- At least one member of the consortium (applicant or co-applicant) must be Honduran.
- To be eligible for a grant, the main applicant must:
- Co-applicants
- The co-applicants will participate in the design and implementation of the action, and the costs incurred will be eligible for subsidies in the same way as those incurred by the main applicant.
- Co-applicants must meet the eligibility criteria applicable to the main applicant themselves.
- Affiliated entities
- The main applicant and its co-applicants may act with affiliated entities.
For more information, visit European Commission.