Deadline: 01-Jul-2024
Investing for Employment provides co-financing grants for investment projects with a high job creation impact.
The Facility only finances mature projects that have not yet started and that offer reasonable chances for being operationally and financially sustainable. Applicants are obliged to contribute own funds to complete the project finance. They must also prove that they cannot cover their funding needs from other sources.
It is essential that each proposed investment project contributes to sustainable job creation in the private sector and that the jobs give access to comprehensive social benefits. Projects that contribute to the promotion of women’s employment or to the socially just transition to a climate-friendly economy have a better chance of receiving a grant. They seek applications for projects in Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, and Senegal. The Calls are open to all sectors of the economy.
Funding Information
- The Facility awards grants to different types of projects, ranging from purely private sector projects to public infrastructure projects. The amount of the grant can vary from EUR 650,000 to EUR 5 million in Ghana, Rwanda, and Senegal, and from EUR 850,000 to EUR 6 million in Morocco.
- An applicant (individual entity or consortium) must provide own financial contributions towards the overall project expenditure in the required proportion. The percentage of own contribution required is defined based on the project category. All jobs created as part of the projects must be in the private sector.
Who is eligible?
- Individual applicants (legal entities that are registered in the country of the proposed project, either Ghana, Morocco, Rwanda, or Senegal, and that have been in operation for at least three years)
- Consortia (two or more legal entities, with at least one entity that is registered in the country of the proposed project and that has been in operation for at least three years)
For more information, visit GIZ GmbH.