Deadline: 19-Nov-2024
The Department of Human Services (DHS) has launched the Digital Inclusion Grants Program which focuses on ensuring that South Australians have access to and can use digital technologies with confidence to participate in an ever-increasing on-line world.
This funding round is intended to support projects that address barriers to digital inclusion for DHS priority groups and communities.
- Funding is prioritised for projects that support people and/or communities experiencing socioeconomic disadvantage and other vulnerabilities with focus on the following priority focus groups who may face additional barriers to accessing services:
- Aboriginal peoples.
- People from new and emerging culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
- People with disability, with a focus on those not currently supported through the NDIS.
- LGBTIQA+ community.
- People who are financially disadvantaged (for example unemployed, in receipt of government support payments, health care card).
- People residing in communities identified as places where persistent and/or relative location-based disadvantage exists (including rural/remote). Areas of disadvantage as identified by the Socio- Economic Indexes for Areas
Funding Information
- Grants up to $20,000
Eligibility Criteria
- To be eligible to apply, organisations must be:
- An Aboriginal Community-Controlled Organisation, or
- Another not-for-profit organisation
- And
- Be incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act 1985, a Public Company under the Corporations Act 2001 or established under the Corporations (Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander) Act 2006, or have evidence of a comparable legal status, such as Australian Public Company limited by guarantee.
- Or
- Be a Social Enterprise that holds a current certification with by Social Traders
- All applicants must:
- be currently operating within South Australia, and recipients of the program/service/initiative are residents of South Australia.
- be currently registered with a valid and eligible Australian Business Number (ABN).
- have an Australian bank account in the name of the legal entity.
Ineligibility Criteria
- Applications will not be accepted from organisations or sponsored organisations that:
- Have any outstanding contractual or financial obligations (including reports, acquittals, unpaid invoices) for any funded Department of Human Services projects/programs.
- Have licensed gaming machines in their facilities or hold a gaming machine license.
- Are educational institutions or related representative bodies. For example, schools and/or their parent or student associations, universities, colleges.
- Are family trusts and are not Social Trader certified social enterprises.
- Are individuals, sole traders, or organisations applying on behalf of an individual.
For more information, visit DHS.