Deadline: 29-Nov-21
Applications are now open for Direct Aid Program aimed at non-profit, non-governmental organizations, to assist in the development of small-scale projects that aim to contribute to improving the quality of life of local communities.
The Direct Aid Program (DAP) of the Australian Embassy is a scheme of competitive funds for the execution of development projects located in Ecuador.
Priority Areas
This year, they are looking for project proposals in Ecuador with the following priority approaches:
- Ecuador’s economic recovery after the initial crisis of the pandemic, including the development of greater capacity around the sustainable management of natural resources (water, agriculture and mining);
- assist vulnerable groups that have been further affected by the economic and social impacts of COVID-19; or
- strengthening democratic institutions and good governance.
Focus Areas
They focus on projects that focus on the following priority groups:
- women and girls
- minority groups, including indigenous communities, migrants, and members of the LGBTI community; or
- other vulnerable groups and people disproportionately affected by COVID-19, including people with disabilities and those living in remote or rural communities.
Funding Information
The amount requested must be between US $ 7,000 and US $ 20,000 (US dollars) per project
Eligibility Criteria
Organizations applying for the DAP must meet the following requirements:
- Be duly constituted as non-governmental non-profit organizations.
- Have legal personality in Ecuador.
- Have a corporate bank account in the name of the organization .
- Be committed to the development of the community in which they operate, and demonstrate initiative and capacity in the execution of activities and the rendering of expenses in an orderly and transparent manner.
- The DAP has financed projects presented by organizations that have diverse resources, size, and trajectory, including projects by large organizations that operate in various countries in the region, as well as projects presented by neighborhood councils, parents’ centers, and women’s associations. among others.
- The DAP Program funds are not available to individuals, for-profit organizations, government agencies and / or State and / or municipal entities.
For more information, visit