Deadline: 1-Aug-24
The U.S. Embassy Libreville of the U.S. Department of State announces an open competition for organizations to submit applications to carry out a program to empower local communities to better manage mangrove areas in Estuaire province in best practices for conservation and climate change mitigation, and concurrently rehabilitate damaged areas.
Program Objectives
- Rehabilitate critical mangrove areas through reforestation/replanting.
- Initiate an awareness and education campaign focused on educating local communities on the ecosystemic benefits of mangroves protection.
- Preparatory work in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment, civil society, and local NGOs leading to the adoption of a law to protect, preserve and restore mangrove ecosystems in Gabon.
Funding Information
- Total available funding: $100,000
- Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $100,000 to a maximum of $100,000
- Length of performance period: 12 months
- Number of awards anticipated: 1 awards (dependent on amounts)
- Anticipated program start date: October 1, 2024
- The project kick-off for each activity should be as follows:
- Planting of mangrove trees in critical areas
- Identify deforested mangrove areas that are most critical to flood prevention
- Coordinate with local communities to plant new mangrove trees
- An awareness campaign in local communities
- Once the critical mangrove areas are identified, an educational campaign will begin in those communities to sensitize them on the importance of preserving the mangroves for economic and security reasons.
- Collaboration with the Gabonese government on a law protecting and preserving critical mangrove forests.
- The implementer will form a working group of NGOs, civil society, scientists, and the government to identify opportunities for improvement in existing Gabonese law and draft a new law that addresses those weaknesses.
- the working group will facilitate the presentation of the new law to the appropriate governmental authorities to be considered for law.
- Planting of mangrove trees in critical areas
Participants and Audiences
- Target audience: Gabonese citizens and residents in Gabon.
Priority Region
- Gabon
Eligibility Criteria
- The following organizations are eligible to apply:
- Not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/nongovernmental organizations
- Public and private educational institutions
- Public International Organizations and Governmental institutions
For more information, visit U.S. Embassy in Gabon.