Deadline: 11-Dec-23
The Environment Grants provide funding to not-for-profit community groups and organisations to undertake environmental initiatives that address local or citywide community environmental issues.
The Brisbane City Council’s Lord Mayor’s Environment Grants are part of the Lord Mayor’s Community Sustainability and Environment Grants program. They enable community groups and non-profit organisations to deliver environmental initiatives within the Brisbane City Council local government area (LGA).
- In line with Brisbane Vision aspirations to be a clean, green and sustainable city, the Environmental Grants aim to improve Brisbane’s natural environment by providing assistance to community groups to undertake environmental initiatives related to:
- biodiversity, including:
- bushland, wetlands and coastal ecosystem/habitat conservation
- fauna and flora protection and conservation
- environmental monitoring and reporting, which must be consistent with Queensland Government’s current biocondition monitoring and evaluation methodology
- ethnobiology, for example, promoting an appreciation of the cultural heritage of biological knowledge in Indigenous Australian communities
- operational and administration expenses to deliver environmentally based projects.
- biodiversity, including:
- There are two categories available to apply for funding. Applicants are invited to apply for one or both categories. If you are applying for operational and administration expenses that support multiple projects, ensure you only use Category 2 and make a separate application.
- If you are applying for one on-ground project that has a proportion of operational and administration expenses, use Category 1.
- Category 1 – Environmental projects
- This category is for specific environmental on-ground projects and events from $1000 and up to $20,000 to fund materials and services that are to be used directly for the nominated project.
- Materials include, but are not limited to:
- local native plants
- tree bags, weed mat, mulch, water crystals
- materials designed to protect and assist plant growth
- wildlife friendly fencing to assist with natural regeneration
- products for weed control such as herbicide.
- Services include, but are not limited to:
- laboratory test costs (up to $500) for the evaluation and monitoring of biodiversity
- wildlife monitoring and reporting
- contractor services to enable the delivery of the project (e.g. bush regeneration)
- contractor service costs for the marketing and development of promotional material (e.g. a graphic designer used to create flyers, advertising, etc. for projects and events)
- the materials associated with the development, printing and promotion of educational resources for the project or event
- project staff costs to achieve identified actions or tasks to deliver a nominated project (e.g. the nominated project or event management, coordination of volunteers for events). Note: costs for project staff are limited to a maximum of half the allocated funds for a project and are to be directly attributed to the nominated project and separate from general running and operations of a non-profit organisation. While contractor and project staff costs can be funded, preference will be given to applications that demonstrate a high level of community involvement in the project.
- Equipment costs:
- to be bought specifically for the delivery of a nominated project and that can be reused in another project at another time e.g. mulch forks, rakes and herbicide spray equipment etc. (up to $1000 and/or 10% of total project costs, whichever is less). Note: Equipment does not include electrical equipment such as computers and data projectors
- Vehicle costs required to complete the nominated project (up to $500)
- Catering that is directly supporting the outcome of the project (up to $200). Note: alcohol will not be funded
- Nursery operations – that produce local native plants for distribution to the general public or for use within on-ground restoration projects located within the LGA.
- Category 2 – Operational and administrative expenses
- This category is available to support operational and administration expenses of community groups from $1000 to $8000. These costs must be attributable to activities and community services performed by the group within the LGA and have an environmental focus.
- This includes, but is not limited to:
- telephone and internet costs
- website development
- electricity or gas
- postage
- photocopying
- cleaning products
- stationery
- contractor costs (e.g. for grant writing)
- audit fees (up to $500)
- accountancy services (up to $500)
- rent (up to $500).
- Note: your application must articulate the environmental projects and activities your organisation would provide during the year, with the support of operational and administration funding.
- Category 1 – Environmental projects
Eligibility Criteria
- On-ground projects must be on Council land and have land-manager approval provided at the time of application.
- The organisation must be a not-for-profit community-based group that is incorporated or be auspiced by a non-profit incorporated body that is able to accept legal and financial responsibility for the project and its activities.
- Grants will only be available to organisations where projects and administration expenses are delivering or supporting projects that are based within the LGA.
- Applicants (and their auspice) must not have outstanding debts or overdue, unacquitted grants with Council.
- On-ground environmental projects must be carried out on Council land and be accompanied by written approval from the local Council land manager.
- Projects will only be eligible if the project is located within the LGA and 200 metres seaward from the lowest astronomical tide.
- The following will not be funded:
- projects that have already commenced or projects to which your organisation has committed expenditure before the grant round notification date
- projects that ‘top up’ an existing proposal or other grants or require ongoing Council funding unless the source of ongoing funding is assured
- projects that are the core responsibility of other levels of government e.g. the Queensland Government’s Department of Education and Training
- more than 10% of the total project costs towards capital expenditure that are essential to the completion of the project (e.g. garden tools and equipment)
- applications that require ongoing funding, unless the source of ongoing funding is assured
- projects, activities and community services that occur outside the LGA
- donations to individuals or organisations.
For more information, visit Brisbane City Council.