Deadline: 12-Mar-2024
The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme invites Civil Society Organisations, Academic and Research Institutions to submit capacity building project proposals that addresses capacity development, monitoring and mentorship for SGP grantees.
- The overall purpose of the GEF SGP Capacity Development Grants is to “enhance and strengthen capacity of communities and civil society organizations to address global environmental challenges through community led interventions and actions”.
- The overall objective of this grant is to support capacity development, monitoring and mentorship of the GEF/SGP funded community led projects within and outside the OP7 landscapes of 1) Panhandle of the Okavango Delta, 2) Bobirwa Sub-District and 3) Makgadikgadi Wetlands area.
- Specific Objectives:
- The required support will include but not limited to the following:
- Facilitate knowledge sharing lesson learning amongst SGP Grantees and recommendations;
- Strengthen the awareness of SGP amongst grantees and potential grantees;
- Capacitate grantees on project monitoring and evaluation and lesson learnt documentation in selected landscapes;
- Capacitate grantees on governance of their institutions, finance management and project management in partnership with the Technical Advisory Committees (TACs) to effectively and efficiently implement impactful projects in line with the approved annual implementation plans;
- Provide overall support to the NSC and TAG on Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E) of SGP supported projects through participatory M&E, identification and use of indicators and reporting in accordance with the GEF/SGP monitoring framework;
- Facilitate participation of selected SGP Grantees to the National CBNRM Forum;
- Strengthen communication and knowledge management of the projects through; events, printed knowledge products and documentaries for the purposes of sharing, informing and influencing policy reforms in Botswana.
- The required support will include but not limited to the following:
Funding Information
- The ceiling SGP grant amount for the project under this call is Botswana Pula amount equivalent to USD 50,000.00.
Duties and Responsibilities
- Undertake consultations with local authorities, TACs and other relevant stakeholders in selected landscapes for consensus building, cooperation and partnership on SGP supported projects;
- In partnership with the GEF/SGP, organise and facilitate participation of NSC and TAG Members to atleast one monitoring and evaluation visit to SGP supported projects.
- Develop a training manual and facilitate training on governance, finance management and project management in partnership with the TACs for project governing boards at the landscapes, with the primary role of providing overall guidance and direction to the projects implementation as per their approved Annual Work Plans (AWPs);
- Train the grantees on Participatory M&E, and documenting lessons learnt and communicating, knowledge management, two-day long trainings within each of the landscape. With the support of GEF/SGP, to creatively organize and facilitate these training workshops through participatory and interactive techniques at landscape levels;
- Support participation of selected SGP Grantees to the National CBNRM Forum.
Expected Deliverables
- The expected deliverables of the capacity development project to be implemented in partnership with the Country Programme team includes:
- Inception report outlining the proposal/methodology for executing activities related to dialogue workshops, development of guidance materials, including but not limited to; training, monitoring, publicity and/or promotional materials.
- Report on the lessons learnt by Grantees and recommendations.
- Quarterly (4) reports detailing implementation progress (narrative and financial) on capacity development, monitoring and mentorship of the GEF/SGP funded community led projects in the selected landscapes. Particularly the reports should clearly articulate the results achieved, knowledge and lessons learnt, key challenges as well as recommendations. The reports will be used to inform future SGP supported interventions.
- A training manual on governance, finance management and project management and participatory M and E in consultation with TAG, NSC and TACs.
- Brief Report on the participatory monitoring and evaluation visits of TAG and NSC members.
Eligibility Criteria
- The SGP only supports non-profit oriented institutions registered in Botswana such as; Civil Society Organizations (Non-Governmental Organizations and Community-Based Organizations), Academic and Research Institutions. Proposals submitted by the eligible entities should be as follows:
- The CSO should be legally registered and assessed by a registered auditing firm to ensure capacity to receive, manage and report on disbursed funds;
- The Academic and Research Institution that was established through an Act of parliament and assessed by a registered auditing firm to ensure capacity to receive, manage and report on disbursed funds;
- A consortium of CSOs can apply as partners with one CSO being the lead entity and executor of the project; institutional arrangements should show clear role clarity between the entities.
- A CSO partner may receive a normal/regular project grant while partnering in a Capacity Development Project as a member but not lead proponent.
For more information, visit UNDP.