Deadline: 31-Jan-2025
The European Commission (EC) is seeking proposals for its Lot 1 Human Rights and Democracy, Lots 2 and 3 Civil Society Organizations.
- Objectives for Lot 1
- The Plan of Action on Human Rights and Democracy (2020 – 2024) establishes five lines of action interrelated among themselves and mutually reinforcing:
- Protect and empower the persons;
- Build resilient, inclusive and democratic societies;
- Promote a global system of human rights and democracy;
- Safeguarding fundamental freedoms, including taking advantage of the opportunities and facing the challenges of new technologies and digital technologies;
- Achieve the marked goals by working together
- The specific objectives of Lot 1 of the present call for proposals is:
- Having less impact on public policies regarding the right of women, girls and adolescents to live a life of freedom from violence.
- The priorities of Lot 1 of the present call for proposals are:
- In accordance with the universal and inter-American standards to establish specific protocols and manuals of action in the Centers of Justice for Women using an integral approach of care.
- Establish protocols and manuals of action for health institutions, in accordance with universal and inter-American standards so that women, girls and adolescent victims of violence can Access to public health services.
- Implementing specific actions of training and monitoring authorities in charge of the investigation, Attention in justice, and attention in health, especially at the state and local level.
- The Plan of Action on Human Rights and Democracy (2020 – 2024) establishes five lines of action interrelated among themselves and mutually reinforcing:
- Objectives for Lot 2:
- The global objective of Lot 2 of the present call for proposals is: to carry out actions that promote the labor insertion of young people aged 18 to 30 years in their region of origin and contribute to the construction of public policies in favor of youth and sustainable development.
- The specific objectives of Lot 2 of the present call are linked specifically to the priorities of the investment strategy “Global Gateway” in Mexico, and are:
- Promote the training and labor insertion of young people in the sectors of renewable energies, water, health, mobility, logistics, agro-industry and community tourism, as well as in the productive activities of companies established in the industrial parks of their region.
- Develop in young people both the technical skills, as well as the blandas (soft-skills) and/or the greens (environmental awareness and vision of sustainability) that facilitate their insertion into the labor market, helping them to meet the hiring expectations of the companies. of the region and allow them to compete successfully for job positions.
- The priorities of Lot 2 of the present call for proposals are:
- Promote projects in priority areas of development of the country, preferably in the Interoceanic Corridor of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (CIIT), and in the state of Sonora.
- Develop partnerships between educational institutions and/or professional training, commercial chambers, companies and/or associations of the business sector and organizations of the civil society of Mexico and the member states of the European Union that promote the professional development of youth and their inclusion. productive sustainable activities.
- Implementing actions focused on gender equality, equality of rights and equality of opportunities and with an approach based on human rights (rights-based approach), Agenda 2030 and leaving no one behind, including specific indicators.
- Including as part of the process of labor insertion schemes of direct recruitment or directed internships, through agreements between organizations of civil society, private sector companies of the region and/or professional organizations, in which young people develop multiple productive skills that increase your employability in the labor market.
- Objectives for Lot 3:
- The global objective of Lot 3 of the present call is to guarantee the participation of civil society in the definition, implementation and monitoring of public policies in favor of the health and well-being of youth.
- The specific objective of Lot 3 of the present call for proposals is to have an impact on public policies in the following matters:
- prevention of addictions;
- promotion of a healthy diet and prevention of obesity in childhood and adolescence;
- Access to medicines of quality and in a suitable form for young people.
- The priorities of Lot 3 of the present call for proposals are:
- Implement actions focused on gender equality, equality of rights and equality of opportunities and with an approach based on human rights (rights-based approach), Agenda 2030 and leaving no one behind, including specific indicators.
- Develop methodologies and strategies to improve the prevention and early detection of obesity, addictions and related chronic diseases, and collaborate with national institutions to present specific proposals to decision makers.
- Have an impact on public policies to create an environment that favors a healthy life and reduces Prevalence of obesity and addictions in youth.
- Increase awareness about the risks and consequences of obesity and addictions in youth.
- Identify the obstacles that youth currently face to access quality medicines, and formulate actions to facilitate their efficient distribution in marginalized regions of the country
- Carry out research to better understand the factors that contribute to obesity, or addictions, or to promote access to quality medicines, particularly in the most vulnerable groups.
- Lot 1. Human Rights and Democracy
- That Communication emphasizes attention to all human rights, the promotion of inclusion and participation, non-discrimination, equality and equity, the transparency and rendering of accounts; All this in coherence with the main objective of the development policy of the European Union, which continues to be the eradication of poverty as established in the Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development which represents the renewed international framework to eradicate poverty and achieve an inclusive and sustainable development.
- Areas of Intervention:
- promoting the fundamental values of democracy,
- the State of Rights,
- the universality, the indivisibility, the interdependence of human rights,
- the respect for human dignity,
- the principles of non-discrimination, equality and solidarity, y,
- the respect for the principles of the Charter of the United Nations and the international law of human rights.
- Lot 2. Organizations of the Civil Society – Mexico 2024: Labor insertion of young people
- The European Union has a close and enduring relationship of cooperation with the Organizations of the Civil Society, recognizing the value of a civil society that is dynamic, pluralist and competent, and recognizing the importance of a constructive relationship between the States and the Organizations of the Civil Society.
- The European Union considers that the Organizations of the Civil Society are essential actors in the consolidation and deepening of human rights, the state of rights, the rendition of accounts, democracy, peace and stability, as well as sustainable and sustainable development.
- This general commitment is based on three priorities:
- Redoubt efforts aimed at promoting an environment favorable to the Civil Society Organizations in the partner countries;
- Foster a significant and structured participation of the Civil Society Organizations in the definition, monitoring of implementation and evaluation of the public policies of the partner countries, and in the international processes; and
- Increase the capacity of local civil society organizations to more effectively perform their role as independent actors of sustainable development.
- Lot 3. Organizations of the Civil Society – Mexico 2024: Public policies in favor of the health and well-being of young people
- The European Union promotes public health among young people, recognizing the urgent need to combat addictions and promote a healthy diet to prevent obesity and other diseases and develop the best potential of every individual. In the first place, the fight against addictions, such as alcohol, drugs and tobacco, is fundamental to protect the youth, since these harmful habits can seriously affect their health and limit their potential and future opportunities.
- All citizens, regardless of their social origin, maintain a balance between nutrition and general well-being. In this context, access to quality medicines is part of an inclusive and holistic vision of the well-being of young people and the sustainability of the global health system.
Funding Information
- LOT 1: 1,570,000€
- Minimum import: 500 000 EUR
- Import maximum: 520.000 EUR
- LOT 2: 4,000,000€
- Minimum import: 800.000 EUR
- Maximum import: 1.000.000 EUR
- LOT 3: €1,579,000
- Minimum import: 500.000 EUR
- Maximum import: 525.000 EUR
Eligibility Criteria
- To be able to opt for a subsidy, the applicant principal must:
- be a legal person;
- not having a profit motive;
- to be an organization of civil society;
- be found established8 in Mexico, in a member state of the European Union or in other acceptable countries in accordance with what is stipulated in the IVCDCI-GE;
- be directly responsible, with their cosolicitors and affiliated entities, for the preparation and management of the action and not limited to simply acting as intermediaries;
- Each applicant must be contacted by at least one co-solicitor. At least one solicitor must be established in Mexico.
- International organizations will not be eligible under this call
For mor information, visit European Commission (EC).