Deadline: 26-Feb-21
The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark (MFA) invites Phase 1 applications for grants related to development research with partners in the Danida priority countries (Window 1). The Danida Fellowship Centre (DFC) administers the MFA’s support to development research.
The thematic focus area of this Call is Sustainable development and climate change. Progress towards the sustainable development goals (SDGs) as defined by the United Nations in agenda 2030 requires renewed research efforts, notably in so far as the consequences of climate change are concerned. There is an urgent need to introduce low carbon development policies, measures and technologies across the globe in order to rapidly and effectively reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Furthermore, persistent poverty and inequalities as well as recurring humanitarian crises impact on sustainable development and in fragile, least developed countries there are risks of leaving millions behind. Introducing sustainable development policies requires thorough understanding of economic, social and environmental constraints and opportunities.
In this context, intensified research plays a role in developing innovative solutions, contributing both to mitigate climate change (by reducing emissions) and to enhance resilience (adaptive capacities). Multi-disciplinary investigations may be particularly significant.
Funding Information
- The expected duration of Window 1 research projects is up to 5 years within a maximum grant of DKK 12 million for each project.
Eligible countries
- The research must be implemented in a Danida priority country. These are currently Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Ethiopia, Kenya, Mali, Myanmar, Niger, Palestine, Somalia, Tanzania, and Uganda.
Eligibility Criteria
- Main applicant:
- Applications must be submitted only by universities or by a research-based institution (public or private) in Denmark, which will be responsible for the grant. The project coordinator must have an affiliation with the applying institution.
- At the time of submitting the application, the project coordinator must hold a PhD or equivalent qualification, documented clearly in the CV. Documented evidence that he/she is a Professor, Assistant Professor, or Associate Professor is regarded as equivalent to a PhD.
- Experience shows that the project coordinator plays a key role in ensuring that a research collaboration project is successful. An effective engagement/ involvement of the project coordinator will entail a substantial workload, noticeably at the beginning of the project.
- It is important that the project coordinator and the research team are able to document relevant scientific merits and qualifications as well as a research background within the topic applied for. A person may appear as project coordinator on several applications, but only one project per project coordinator may be approved for this funding window.
- Project participants:
- The application must list all partner institutions in Danida priority countries, partners in Denmark, and possibly international partners. At least one researcher from each partner institution (project participant if private sector partner) must be named in the Phase 1 application (Task: Project participants in the e-application form).
- Research collaboration is considered an important means to strengthen the research capacity of institutions in priority countries. In order for research partners to benefit from the collaboration, partnerships should be equal, and partners must contribute actively in preparing both Phase 1 and subsequent Phase 2 application (if prequalified).
- It is strongly encouraged to involve partners from the private sector and national authorities in the partner country or in Denmark in the research project, and grant funding can be used for their direct input to project activities but not overhead expenses.
- PhD candidates from the priority countries included in the project must seek enrolment at a university in their home country, alternatively at a university in the region of the partner country.
- Enrolment in Denmark can only be considered if enrolment in the partner country or the partner country region is not possible, and if sufficient justification for this is provided.
Assessment Criteria
Three criteria for assessment: SCIENTIFIC QUALITY, RELEVANCE, and EFFECT
- The scientific quality of the proposal is evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- The research experience and qualifications of the project coordinator and the team;
- The originality and innovative nature of the project, in terms of generating new knowledge.
- The relevance of the proposal is evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- The focus of the project is well-defined with respect to the theme (W1) / the announced research theme in the chosen partner country(W2);
- The project responds to national development priorities relevant for Danish development assistance (W1) / overall objectives of the Danish strategic sector cooperation in the country (W2);
- Opportunities for enhanced public and private sector development (W1) / Preferably, the project includes public and private sector partners (W2).
- The effect of the research is evaluated on the basis of the following criteria:
- The potential direct effects with respect to the selected sustainable development goal(s);
- The effects of the project in terms of the partnerships with public and private sector which could take the research to the next level;
- The contribution of the project to strengthen research capacity (W1) / Strengthened research capacity, which should add value for both the Danish and the partner institution (W2).
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