Deadline: 01-May-2024
The Velux Foundations is seeking applications to contribute to a healthy marine environment that can withstand climate change.
The Danish marine environment is under pressure from several quarters, and ambitious actions are therefore needed to achieve a sea in balance.
They prioritise research projects and partnerships that contribute to limiting pollution of the marine environment and reduce the factors that negatively impact the Danish Sea.
- They support projects within the following three strategic themes:
- Restoring Sea and Coastal Areas with a Climate Focus
- The focus of the marine restoration action area is nature restoration aimed at restoring degraded ecosystems, in particular areas with the greatest potential to absorb and store carbon and to prevent and reduce the impacts of natural disasters. The need for strengthened action is all the more acute as global warming is aggravating the loss of biodiversity in marine and coastal ecosystems.
- Please note: They prioritize projects that aim to create innovative solutions.
- VELUX FONDEN collaborates with Center for Marin Naturgenopretning (Centre for Marine Nature Restoration), which will evaluate all applications received for reconstruction of the sea and coastal areas
- Combating Marine Pollution
- Under this action area, there will be focus on the factors that negatively impact the marine ecosystem, including untreated wastewater, nutrients, marine waste and plastic pollution as well as impacts from shipping, including underwater noise.
- Future Climate Solutions and their Impacts on Marine Areas
- To ensure a reduction in greenhouse gases of 70% by 2030, marine carbon storage has been addressed as a possible solution that will contribute to a 70% reduction. There is a need to identify possible risks of using CCS at sea. The Foundation will be able to support new research initiatives aimed at the environmental consequences of carbon storage.
- Restoring Sea and Coastal Areas with a Climate Focus
Funding Information
- They support projects with a budget of more than DKK 500,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- The foundations make grants to multi-disciplinary projects, for example large-scale projects that include both research and empirical evidence, or projects that involve multiple areas of research.
- As a rule of thumb, the foundations do not fund:
- Projects that benefit political or commercial interests.
- Research in health except for research in ophthalmology and gerontology, which is funded by VELUX FONDEN.
- Veterinary research.
- Personal maintenance.
- Recurring general and administrative operating expenses of institutions or organisations.
- Educational tours.
- Construction or renovation projects for private property.
- Sponsorships.
For more information, visit The Velux Foundations.