Deadline: 22-Jan-24
The Council of Europe project “Ending violence against women: multi-country programme” is launching a call for proposals for civil society organisations (CSOs) with expertise and experience in combating violence against women and domestic violence in Serbia.
The call aims to support awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns to promote the values, aims and provisions of the Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combatting violence against women and domestic violence (the Istanbul Convention), generating positive narratives and dispelling myths and misinformation regarding the convention.
In particular, it aims to build the capacities of civil society organisations in running communication and advocacy campaigns targeting general public and decision makers, including in situations of backlashing against the Istanbul Convention.
The Council of Europe’s Gender Equality Division, Women Against Violence Europe Network (WAVE) and UN Women have developed a methodology with relevant advocacy resources and tools to support CSOs all over Europe in running national communication and advocacy campaigns on the Istanbul Convention. The projects are requested to use this methodology in development of their initiatives adapting the proposed toolkit to the needs of their country.
- The grants will fund projects designed to run awareness-raising and advocacy campaigns using the joint Council of Europe, WAVE Network and UN Women methodology and tools in Serbia.
Further to the general objective, preference will be given to:
- Projects/actions proposed by national/local civil society organisations working in the field of violence against women and domestic violence from Serbia.
- Projects/actions targeting general public and/or decision makers.
- Projects/actions involving other relevant institutions/organisations.
Funding Information
- The indicative available budget under this call for proposals is 25 000 Euros (twenty-five thousand Euros).
- The Council of Europe intends to award 1 grant of a maximum amount of 25 000 Euros (twenty-five thousand Euros) each.
Implementation Period
- The implementation period of the projects should start on 5 February and shall not extend beyond 4 October 2024. Reporting requirements shall be completed on 3 November 2024 at the latest.
Target Stakeholders
- Projects should target in particular the following key stakeholders:
- General public
- Decision makers
- The above list is not exhaustive and projects may propose to target other relevant stakeholders, while keeping in mind the general objective of the Project.
Eligibility Criteria
- In order to be eligible for a grant, an applicant must:
- be legally constituted as a non-governmental organisation in Serbia;
- be entitled to carry out activities described in its project proposal in Serbia;
- have been active for at least 4 years in the field of combatting violence against women and domestic violence;
- have sufficient financial capacity (stable and sufficient sources of funding) to maintain its activity throughout the period for which the grant is awarded and to participate by way of its own resources (including human resources or in-kind contributions);
- have sufficient operational and professional capacity, including staff, to carry out activities described in its project proposal;
- have a bank account.
- Multiple applications are not allowed and shall lead to the exclusion of all applications concerned.
- The following types of action will not be considered:
- Projects/actions providing financial support to third parties (re-granting schemes);
- Projects/actions concerning only or mainly individual scholarships for studies or training courses;
- Projects/actions supporting political parties.
For more information, visit Council of Europe.