Deadline: 30-Sep-20
The Kearney Area Community Foundation (KACF) has launched a call for applications for the Ted Baldwin Donor Advised Fund (TBDAF).
The Ted Baldwin Donor Advised Fund (TBDAF) is a component fund of the Kearney Area Community Foundation, in that collect and administer charitable funds under Section 509(a)(1) of the IRS tax code.
Eligibility Criteria
- The Ted Baldwin Donor Advised Fund typically funds projects or programs in the Kearney area and surrounding communities.
- Grants are made to nonprofit, federally tax exempt 501(c)(3) qualified organizations, or organizations delivering a project or program which has a fiscal relationship with a qualified nonprofit.
As a general practice, the TBDAF refrains from funding:
- Agencies serving a populace outside of the KACF’s service area
- Annual fund drives, galas, or other special-event fundraising activities
- Debt reduction
- Dissertations or student/faculty research projects
- Emergency or disaster relief efforts
- Indirect/administrative costs
- Institutions that discriminate on the basis of race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender, mental, emotional or physical ability/disability, national origin, or age in policy or in practice
- Loans, fellowships, or grants to individuals
- Political lobbying, or legislative activities
- Profit making enterprises (unless allowed by Federal Treasury Regulations)
- Travel, tours or trips, including honor conferences, expanded studies
- Umbrella organizations that would re-distribute the requested funds at their discretion
- Federal Tax Exemption Letter for your organization or your fiscal agent.
- Names and titles of leadership, including directors, board officers and/or key volunteers for your organization and your fiscal agent (if applicable).
- Operating budget for the current year, including a list of principal sources of income.
- Financial statements from most recent year-end, include audited statements if available.
- Grant Budget for project or program includes sources of funds for the project and amount of each (in-kind donations should also be listed) and expenses of this project. (The Foundation will provide a form for you to fill out and upload.)
- Latest tax return (form 990) filed with the Internal Revenue Service by the applicant organization.
Evaluation Criteria
- The grant recipient is responsible for arranging appropriate publicity regarding the receipt of the grant.
- The grant recipient is required to report, in some detail, how the funds were expended. Any pictures and/or press clippings would be appreciated.
- Misuse of grant funds will result in a recall of the funds and future grant support will be jeopardized.
For more information, visit