Deadline: 14-Sep-23
Applications are now open for the community-based stream of the New Horizons for Seniors Program (NHSP) to support community-based projects that are designed by seniors for seniors.
This program funds projects that empower seniors in their communities and contribute to improving their health and well-being.
Projects submitted for this grant must meet at least 1 of the following program objectives:
- promoting volunteerism among seniors and other generations
- engaging seniors in the community through the mentoring of others
- expanding awareness of elder abuse, including financial abuse
- supporting the social participation and inclusion of seniors
- providing capital assistance for new and existing community projects and/or programs for seniors
- Priority 1: Supporting healthy ageing
- Including:
- addressing social isolation, including through supporting seniors’ digital literacy
- addressing ageism
- supporting mental health and dementia
- Including:
- Priority 2: Preventing senior abuse
- Including:
- providing measures to reduce crimes and harm against seniors including elder abuse
- developing educational material to prevent unscrupulous practices, financial fraud and scams from happening to seniors
- Including:
- Priority 3: Celebrating diversity and promoting inclusion
- Including:
- promoting intergenerational mentoring and engagement
- advancing reconciliation with Indigenous Peoples and helping to secure a better quality of life for Indigenous seniors
- collaborating with diverse communities notably by serving members of the following vulnerable groups:
- Indigenous Peoples
- persons with disabilities
- members of racialized and newcomer groups
- members of 2SLGBTQIA+ communities
- low-income seniors
- veterans
- members of official language minority communities (OLMCs)
- people who primarily speak languages other than English and French
- seniors living in rural or remote areas
- Including:
- Priority 4: Supporting financial security
- Including:
- helping seniors navigate and access government services and benefits and providing support to file their taxes
- supporting financial empowerment of seniors
- Including:
Funding Information
- Funding amount: Up to $25,000
- Duration: Be no longer than 52 weeks
Eligible Activities
- organize weekly in-person sessions for seniors to provide them with support or training and the opportunity to socialize
- organize financial literacy seminars to local seniors inviting financial experts to give tips on how to manage finances
- provide sessions on how to manage online banking and how to avoid financial scams
- capital assistance for age-friendly exercise equipment that would make it easier for seniors to remain actively engaged
- teach seniors the tools they need to connect with others online
- set up seniors led meetings with other seniors, creating an online support network of seniors
- transportation to provide a personal service to seniors:
- transportation services for appointments
- home visit
- service call
- meal delivery service
- renovations and repairs to facilities owned by the organization that specifically run programs and activities for seniors
Eligibility Criteria
- Your organization must be 1 of the following types:
- not-for-profit organization
- municipality
- provincial or territorial government, institution or Crown Corporation
- Indigenous organization including:
- band council
- tribal council
- self-government entity
- coalition, network or committee
- research organization or institute
- educational institution
- public health and social services institution
- for-profit organization provided that the nature and intent of the activity is non-commercial and does not generate profit
- For organizations with offices in multiple locations, each individual location is eligible to apply for funding. However, they must operate independently and have a separate governing structure. Organizations that do not operate independently may only receive a maximum amount of $25,000 for all locations.
- Organizations can only submit 1 application per project. Multiple projects may not exceed a total of $25,000 per organization.
- The following organizations are eligible with the agreement of their provincial or territorial government:
- post-secondary institutions
- social service and public health institutions
- provincially/territorially funded institutions
For more information, visit Government of Canada.