Deadline: 20 May 2023
The British and Foreign School Society (BFSS) is seeking applications for its Displacement Education Fund to improve access to educational opportunity (including further education or employment opportunities for those aged 16-25), or reduce barriers to achievement, for children and young people living in the UK who are refugees or asylum seekers, unaccompanied children or children of undocumented migrants.
Funding Information
- Funding is available for up to two years
- They will fund between £10,000 to £60,000 per project (maximum £30,000 per year) for registered charities or educational establishments.
- They will fund between £10,000 to £20,000 (maximum £10,000 per year) for organisations which are not registered charities or educational establishments.
- For registered charities and education establishments, annual grant payments cannot exceed 50% of an organisation’s 3-year average income.
- Funding is available for new or pilot projects or projects which have started within the past 12 months to meet a newly arisen need. Grants will not retrospectively fund activities that have already taken place for projects which have already started.
- BFSS will fund between 25% to 100% of the total project costs
- There is an expectation that projects will supplement and enhance the government and local authority provision rather than replace it in any way, and applications will be expected to demonstrate how they are working in partnership with local authorities to supplement statutory support that may be available.
- Grants will be available for UK registered charities, not for profit, community based organisations and schools, academies, colleges and other educational establishments.
- Registered charities must:
- Have UK charitable status and be registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales, Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator or the Charity Commission for Northern Ireland.
- Have an annual income less than £2.5 million.
- Be financially sound and have at least three years of continuous financial accounts submitted to the relevant UK Charity Commission or Regulator.
- Schools, academies, colleges and other educational establishments must:
- Be able to demonstrate a network effect beyond one individual school.
- Community based organisations must:
- Have an annual income of under £1 million
- Have demonstrable public benefit and evidence that they are working in their local community
- A constitution or set of governing rules, with a minimum of three trustees/committee members who are not related to each other
- Its own bank account, with at least two cheque signatories (who are not related to each other)
- Accounts or records of expenditure for at least three months
- Up to date equal opportunities, child protection and (if relevant) vulnerable adult safeguarding policies
- Clear protection against private benefit within its constitution; confirmation that any income and assets are used for exclusively charitable purposes and that it does not pay any dividend or distribute any surplus to shareholders or members
For more information, visit