Deadline: 28-Apr-23
The European Media and Information Fund is seeking applications for its program entitled “Investigations into Disinformation Dynamics” to address the existing knowledge gaps on the scale and scope of disinformation in Europe and gain a better understanding of the policies implemented to counter it.
The European University Institute and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation have established the European Media and Information Fund (hereafter EMIF) with a view to addressing the phenomenon of online disinformation in Europe and promoting a more resilient and fact-based digital information ecosystem.
- The key aim of this Call is to address the existing knowledge gaps on the scale and scope of disinformation in Europe and foster a better understanding of the phenomenon and its impact on European audiences. To this end, it supports a variety of multidisciplinary investigations in the form of case reports or situational analyses, designed, interalia, to monitor the mechanisms that enable the monetisation of disinformation, or expose the techniques, tactics and protocols (TTPs) used to create, disseminate and amplify disinformation narratives, or measure their impact on relevant European audiences.
- These investigations should combine best journalistic practices, outcomes from factchecking activities, and analytical frameworks from leading research. They should also pave the way for follow-on research aimed at identifying appropriate methodologies and original solutions and/or future media literacy initiatives.
- This Call is specifically aimed at projects that can enlarge the current evidence base about the dynamics and characteristics of disinformation campaigns affecting European audiences, including foreign information manipulation and interference (FIMI), and designed to undermine European policies and values under the current geopolitical circumstances.
- The projects funded under this Call are expected to:
- Strengthen and widen the evidence base regarding the disinformation phenomenon in Europe;
- Raise awareness on how disinformation is created and spread in Europe and/or at the level of individual European countries;
- Monitor the structure and functioning of the economy of disinformation within Europe;
- Enhance knowledge about relevant narratives and topics, specific features of online media manipulations and different forms of disinformation, including foreign information manipulation and interference;
- Pave the way for follow-on scientific research or innovative media literacy initiatives, including those that will be supported by EMIF;
- Foster collaborations between researchers, news media outlets, fact-checking organisations, civil society, online platforms and experts in digital advertising;
- Help reduce the impact of disinformation campaigns.
Funding Information
- Maximum grant per project: € 150 000.
- Maximum duration per project: 9 months.
Eligible Activities
- Activities may be developed at local, regional, national, or international levels across the territory of the EU, EFTA and the UK. Cross-border activities within the EU, EFTA and the UK territories are eligible.
- Proposals shall comply with the objectives of this Call as set out.
- The following types of activities are eligible:
- Investigations into one of the topics set out, including acquisition and analysis of existing research, fact-checking materials and datasets;
- Production, distribution and adaptation in different languages of reports and analyses resulting from relevant investigations;
- Awareness-raising actions, including conferences, seminars, and events, and dissemination of the material created by the project;
- Usage of innovative tools to improve the understanding of systemic risks of the digital media ecosystem;
- Promotion of social media campaigns and other relevant activities aimed at countering disinformation by using the outcomes of the proposed investigations;
- Actions aiming at the creation and improvement of networks, exchanges of good practices, and uptake of innovative methodologies and relevant technologies.
Eligibility Criteria
- To be eligible, any proposal must be submitted by a group of legal entities (partnerships or consortia) abiding by recognised ethical and professional standards such as the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity or the specific standards applicable to their field of activities (e.g., Code of Principles of the International Fact-Checking Network, deontological Codes for the Journalistic Profession applicable in their country of establishment).
- Should an applicant not be a signatory to any code, it should explain how it ensures de fac to adherence to the ethical and professional standards applicable to the type of activities carried out by its organisation.
- The following types of organisations may apply and be funded as Lead Applicants or members of the consortium:
- Non-profit organisations, including public service media
- Universities
- Educational institutions
- Research centres
- Non-governmental organisations
- Media literacy organisations
- For-profit organisations of any status and size operating as fact-checkers, news media organisations, technology providers or research companies, on condition that the consortium integrates one or more entities
- Only applications submitted by legal entities established in the EU, EFTA or the UK are eligible. Organisations based in other countries may be part of a consortium, but their activities are not funded.
- Specific tasks may be subcontracted out to entities or natural persons irrespective of their place of establishment
- Natural persons may be part of a consortium, but a natural person cannot lead the project. Activities and expenses pertaining to natural persons shall be allocated to the Lead Applicant.
- State-controlled organisations – other than universities, research centres, educational institutions, and public media organisations with editorial independence – are not eligible to receive funding and cannot lead a consortium, but they may take part in the action/project at their own costs.
- Consortia cannot be solely composed of entities affiliated with the Lead Applicant.
For more information, visit Investigations into Disinformation Dynamics.