Deadline: 22-Mar-23
The Partnership for Research and Innovation in the Mediterranean Area (PRIMA) has announced a funding call for the Nexus Management Water-Energy-Food-Ecosystems 2023 (IA) to focus on “Accelerate adaptation and mitigation to climate change in the Mediterranean region by deploying WEFE nexus solutions.”
- The call supports the Nexus cross-sectoral concept as a tool in climate adaptation and mitigation strategies by designing and integrating Nexus solutions into existing climate change adaptation plans at the sectoral level and assessing their impact on the livelihoods of populations and the socio-economic performance in the Mediterranean region. Through a multi-actor approach, project proposals should be built at various demonstration sites, preferably located in Mediterranean Partner Countries31 characterized by diverse climate and agro-ecological and socio-economic conditions with a critical mass of stakeholders, e.g., policymakers, public authorities, farmers, and other end users. Projects should co-deploy WEFE Nexus-based adaptation solutions, including changes in production and management practices (for instance, adapted varieties, mixed cropping systems, agroecological practices, nature-based measures, and renewable energy. Technologies and processes could also be implemented and validated at the demonstration sites, including decision support systems and digital solutions.
- Proposals should assess the impact of Nexus-based adaptation and mitigation solutions on improving resource efficiency across the Nexus sectors and take a broad perspective by considering the impact on the overall environment and societal well-being. Consortia are expected to develop conceptual and evaluative tools for assessing tipping points beyond which climate change impacts on water, energy and food demand could harm the ecosystem integrity and the socio-economic security in the Mediterranean region.
- Conditions and opportunities for effective engagement of the private sector should be analyzed, and the ways to promote sustainable market solutions should be demonstrated. To this end, proposals should develop business models targeting the Nexus-based adaptation and mitigation solutions, facilitating the roll-out of the piloted innovation at a larger scale across the Mediterranean region.
- Ultimately, proposals are invited to offer promising pilots for successfully integrating adaptation and mitigation solutions into cross-sectoral policies. This would enable feedback to decision-makers to revise sectoral adaptation strategies, ensuring a long-lasting adaptation capacity for potentially vulnerable populations.
- The objective is to enlarge the PRIMA portfolio of WEFE Nexus projects and case studies. The project proponents should use lessons learned from the Nexus projects funded by PRIMA by developing a close partnership during the implementation of respective projects. The successful consortia are strongly encouraged to participate in the Mediterranean WEFE Nexus Community of Practice created as an outcome of the WEFE Science Advances Conference to stimulate cross-organization collaboration and knowledge sharing in the Mediterranean region.
Funding Information
Total Amount: EUR 8.2 million
Expected Impacts
- Integrate the Nexus perspective into climate adaptation plans and the adaptation perspective into development plans for better policy integration
- Promote sustainable and inclusive economic development, job creation, and improving the livelihoods of people
- Increase the resilience of marginalised communities
- Strengthen policy integration between Nexus and adaptation mechanisms across sectors at different scales and among the principal actors
- Reduction of poverty, migration, and vulnerability of marginalised populations.
Key Performance Indicators
- Number of identified drivers of change affecting the cereals supply chain
- Number of strategies and action plans were prepared to ensure appropriate cereals supply during unforeseen crises with the local governments in the MENA region
- Number of solutions aiming to diversify food
- Number of training workshops/public events on the markets conducted to streamline local food environments
- Number of solutions aiming to improve the supply chain of cereals
Eligible Countries
- The following Member States (MS) of the European Union (EU): Croatia, Cyprus, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, Portugal, Spain, Slovenia. It includes the Overseas Countries and Territories (OCT) linked to some of these Member States:
- The following Third Countries associated to Horizon 2020 (AC): Israel, Tunisia, and Turkey.
- The following Third Countries not associated with to Horizon 2020 (TC), having concluded international agreements for scientific and technological cooperation setting out the terms and conditions of their participation in PRIMA: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon and Morocco.
For more information, visit PRIMA.