Deadline: 26-Aug-22
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) is calling project proposals from youth Organizations as part of the regional program of local democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (reload2).
The Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans 2 (ReLOaD2) is a continuation of the initiatives supported by the European Union (EU) – Project on Strengthening Local Democracy (LOD, 2009-2016) and the subsequently expanded Regional Program of Local Democracy in the Western Balkans (ReLOaD, 2017-2020).
- The overall goal of the project is to strengthen participatory democracy and EU integration in the Western Balkans, by empowering civil society and encouraging young people to actively participate in the decision-making process, as well as improving the stimulating legal and financial environment for civil society.
- The specific goal of the project is to strengthen partnerships between local authorities and civil society in the Western Balkans, by spreading the successful model of transparent project financing of CSOs (LOD methodology) from the budget of local self-government units, aimed at greater civic and youth participation in decision-making processes and improvement of service provision in local communities.
- The general goal of this call is to improve the social life of young people, to encourage and animate a greater number of young people towards volunteerism and social activism , and to encourage dialogue in the local community between young people, representatives of youth organizations and representatives of LGUs.
Funding Information
The value of project proposals to be awarded under this call must be between the following minimum and maximum amount:
- minimum amount: 10,000.00 KM
- maximum amount: 20,000.00KM
Eligibility Criteria
- Participation in this public call is open, on an equal basis, to all formally registered CSOs (associations/associations or foundations) that deal with youth issues and/or youth organizations, in accordance with current legal regulations in Bosnia and Herzegovina, and that operate in the area municipality of Rudo.
- Potential applicants cannot participate in the call or receive grants if they do not submit a signed and scanned statement of eligibility with the project proposal.
- This public call is not open to branches of foreign and international associations, foundations and other non-profit organizations registered and operating in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
- Applicants will be excluded from participation in the call or from the awarding of grants if, at the time of the call for submission of project proposals, they are:
- subjects of conflict of interest;
- guilty of providing false information to the authorized party for contracts, which is required as a prerequisite for participating in the call for project proposals or if they have not provided the necessary information;
- tried to obtain confidential information, influenced the evaluation committee or the authorized party for contracts during the evaluation process of the call for submission of project proposals.
For more information, visit