Deadline: 24-Aug-23
The Employment Service Agency of North Macedonia in partnership with the United Nations Development Programme has announced a request for proposals to engage NGO for implementation activation of unemployed Roma and other persons at risk of social exclusion at labour market.
- The objective of this Request for Proposal is to engage an NGO that will establish a network of employment mentors that will support activation in the labour market of unemployed hard-to-employe people, with focus on Roma. The selected Grantee will offer their activation services in the following municipalities where significant presence with Roma population: Shuto Orizari, Chair, Karposh, Centar, Gazi Baba, Gjorche Petrov, Tetovo, Gostivar, Debar, Kichevo, Bitola, Prilep, Pehchevo, Shtip, Kochani, Berovo, Delchevo, Vinica and Kumanovo.
- The NGO will provide set of different services, starting with sharing valuable information on possible employment opportunities, motivation, counseling and mentoring services for interested candidates for participation in some of the Active Labour Market Measures (ALMMs) and employment opportunities offered by the local private/public/civil society sector in the selected municipalities.
- The target groups eligible for this service are hard to employ people who are at risk of social exclusion, out of which at least 70% shall be members of the Roma community.
- The expected outcome results of NGO’s engagement as per the Project Document are the following:
- Preparation of at least 2000 individual Assessment of unemployed
- Employment mentors shall carry out individual assessments of unemployed candidates using a predefined “Questionnaire for profiling and evaluation of the professional capacities of an unemployed person for inclusion in active measures” (QPC) which will be provided by UNDP to the selected Grantee.
- Enrolment of at least 160 unemployed candidates in:
- ALMMs that support increase of their employability such as:
- Entrepreneurship development trainings
- IT skills training (advanced)
- On-the-job training for known employer.
- Training for vocational skills (including on-line)
- Training for demanded occupations.
- Vocational training based on employer’s requirements.
- Training in Care economy measures
- Other trainings (soft skills, basic IT trainings etc.)
- Internship Programme
- ALMMs that lead toward their employment (job placement) such as:
- Subsidized employment
- Employment upon successful completion of the vocational training
- Community Works Programme (part-time working engagement)
- Employment in Care Economy measures
- Public Works
- Registered self-employment
- At least 160 direct job placements of unemployed who are not participants in the ALMMs:
- Registered full-time employment.
- Registered part-time employment.
- ALMMs that support increase of their employability such as:
- Preparation of at least 2000 individual Assessment of unemployed
- The duration of the assignment is envisaged to be within 12 months starting from 30st of August 2023, to 29th of August 2024.
- The eligible applicants should have required expertise and experience in the following areas:
- Management capacities for implementation of similar development projects.
- Experience in providing employment support activities and/or services for hard-to-employed people for their employability enhancement, labour market activation and job placement.
- The applicants and their submitted LVG proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:
- The NGO must be registered at least 3 years before the submission of application.
- The applicant has to have at least 1,000,000 MKD total annual turnover cumulatively for the last three fiscal years.
- At least 3 years of experience in provision of employment support activities and/or services leading to employability enhancement, labour market activation and labour market integration of unemployed persons.
- Has managed implementation of projects with a team of at least 6 members.
- Note: The applicant should follow the proposed structure of coordination/ implementation team by including a team of minimum 6 Roma Mentors in the proposal:
- 1 Team Leader/Roma mentors
- 5 Roma mentors
- Qualification of the Team
- Education:
- At least High School Diploma: BA will be considered as a strong asset.
- Experience:
- At least 2 years of cumulative professional experience in activities related to socio-economic inclusion of Roma and/or other groups at risk of social exclusion in the country.
- At least 3 months of Experience in providing career orientation / guidance and/or in improving employability and/or getting employment will be considered as a strong asset.
- At least 6 months of cumulative professional fieldwork experience in activities related to socio-economic inclusion of Roma and/or other groups at risk for social exclusion in/with the municipality(ies) where the applicant shall work.
- Education:
For more information, visit UNDP.