Deadline: 09-Jan-2025
The National Endowment for the Humanities’ Digital Humanities Advancement Grants program (DHAG) supports work that is innovative, experimental, and contributes to the critical infrastructure that underpins scholarly research, teaching, and public programming in the humanities.
NEH partners with the Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS) on this program. IMLS encourages DHAG applicants to work in collaboration, and employ the expertise of, library and archives staff at your institution or across the country to strengthen knowledge networks, empower community learning, foster civic cohesion, advance research, and support the traditionally underserved.
Funding Information
- Awards are available at three funding levels to allow you to identify a level appropriate to the scope and maturity of your project. You do not need to have had a Level I award to apply for a Level II project, nor do you need to have had a Level I or II award to apply for a Level III project. NEH will assign your project to the funding level based on the total outright funds requested. Please be mindful of this when indicating your funding level in the narrative section of the application.
- Level I
- Up to $75,000 and up to 24 months
- Supports smaller-scale projects or experimental or exploratory stages of larger projects
- Activities might include developing research agendas, piloting new methods, convening planning sessions with stakeholders or conducting audience and user experience research, designing prototypes, and facilitating convenings to address field-wide questions
- Level II
- $75,001 to $150,000 and up to 24 months
- For projects that can demonstrate completion of an initial planning phase but are not yet ready for Level III funding; should include plans for extending work beyond the applicant institution
- Activities might include developing beta prototypes of open-source tools or software; evaluating and refining methods and workflows; conducting workshops or tutorials to disseminate project results
- Level III
- $150,001 to $350,000 and up to 36 months
- For scaling up and expanding mature projects
- Must document completion of a planning or prototyping stage, current user statistics, and dissemination plans beyond the applicant institution
- Activities might include code review and bug fixing; creating training materials and documentation to promote wide use of the grant products; preparing data, software, or websites for future preservation; conducting accessibility compliance review
- Level I
Program Outputs
- Examples of outputs include:
- Level I: new consortia or partnerships, user experience testing reports and evaluations, planning documents for next stages, alpha stage experiments, and pilot studies.
- Level II: working prototypes of tools, code libraries, or add-ons; beta version of the digital project; new workflows; and training data or models.
- Level III: launch of the expanded/enhanced digital project; release of final software, code, or datasets; robust outreach activities beyond the applicant institution; implementation of sustainability plans.
- All levels: conference presentations, workshops, tutorials, publications, training materials, and implementation of data management and sharing plans.
Eligibility Criteria
- To be eligible to apply, your organization must be established in the United States or its jurisdictions as one of the following:
- a nonprofit organization recognized as tax-exempt under section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
- an accredited institution of higher education (public or nonprofit)
- a state or local government or one of their agencies
- a federally recognized Native American Tribal government
- Individuals and other organizations, including foreign and for-profit entities, are ineligible.
For more information, visit NEH.