Deadline: 08-May-24
The Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB) has announced applications for the PEACEPLUS Programme on Skills Development – Investment Area 2.3 to support area-based approaches, designed to address evidenced skills gaps, as detailed in Government national and sub-regional skills strategies.
These objectives should support the goals of increased productivity and employment and higher levels of cross-border labour mobility. The PEACEPLUS Programme will build on best practice area-based models of skills development.
The Programme will enable cross-community and cross-border collaboration between education and training providers which reduce duplication and maximise the capacity of the Programme area to address existing and emerging skills gaps, and opportunities for reskilling.
PEACEPLUS is funded in partnership by the European Union, the Government of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Government of Ireland, and the Northern Ireland Executive.
The PEACEPLUS Programme is making a call for an application under Theme 2: Delivering Economic Regeneration and Transformation – Investment Area 2.3 Programme Area Skills Development.
- This objective will address existing and emerging skills gaps, leading to equal access to inclusive and quality services and increasing cross-border labour mobility.
- It will result in the development of a flourishing Programme area workforce, with skills better aligned to existing and future growth sectors and in line with public policy.
PEACEPLUS Programme Thematic Areas
- Theme 1: Building Peaceful and Thriving Communities
- Theme 2: Delivering Economic Regeneration and Transformation
- Theme 3: Empowering and Investing in Young People
- Theme 4: Healthy and Inclusive Communities
- Theme 5: Supporting a Sustainable and Better Connected Future
- Theme 6: Building and Embedding Partnership and Collaboration
Funding Information
- The total value of €50 million is available under this call. This consists of €40 million ERDF and UK ERDF equivalent funding and €10 million governmental match provided by the Government of Ireland and the Northern Ireland Executive.
Anticipated Actions
- It is anticipated that the Programme will fund the following types of actions:
- Area based skills strategies: Development of cross-community and cross-border strategies that are aimed at risk reduction to employment sectors and subject to job displacement through technological development, this may include the development of innovation and entrepreneurship in the Programme area.
- Clusters for sub-area skill gaps: Schemes which enable area based cross community and cross-border clusters to respond to the sub-area skill gaps and requirements (including reskilling and up skilling).
- The above actions will be complemented by a range of activities as outlined below:
- Schemes which maximise the delivery of cross-border partnerships by further and higher education providers to minimise duplication of resources.
- Development and delivery of joint educational programmes administered by crossborder partnerships where possible, to minimise the duplication of education provision and ensure alignment with evidence-based education, which will address recognised skills gaps and requirements.
- Supports which address the barriers to participation in skills development programmes, particularly by more marginalised and under-represented groups in the society. Programmes should be designed to improve the working conditions1 and employment prospects of these target groups.
Who is eligible to apply?
- National, regional and local authorities;
- Regional and local development agencies, chambers of commerce;
- Universities, further education colleges, higher education, research institutions;
- Non-governmental organisations (NGOs);
- Sectoral agencies and business support organisations;
- Voluntary sector organisations;
- Other relevant public-like organisations contributing to the development of the programme area;
- Private sector specifically micro, small, and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs1) and large companies
- The programme area for the PEACEPLUS Programme is:
- Northern Ireland;
- The border counties of Ireland (Counties Cavan, Donegal, Leitrim, Louth, Monaghan and Sligo)
For more information, visit SEUPB.