Deadline: 13-Dec-2024
Cities Alliance, hosted by United Nations Office for Project Services, is a global partnership promoting the role of cities in poverty reduction and sustainable development.
Managed by a Secretariat based in Brussels, it is a unique partnership with a diverse membership that has come together to strengthen both impacts and coherence in urban development. Cities Alliance is a global leader with a strong track record in grant-making, supporting strategic city planning, slum upgrading strategies, and national policies designed to make cities more inclusive and sustainable. Through UNOPS, Cities Alliance operates a Multi-Donor Fund supported by an efficient, flexible grant-making mechanism with global reach.
Displaced populations often view secondary cities as better alternatives to existing refugee camps/settlements. The quality of services offered in camps and/or settlements gradually degrades when refugee emergencies are protracted and sustained. Compared to camps and settlements, cities can potentially offer displaced people better services, more education opportunities, a wider choice of health centres/hospitals for referral, and food markets usually unavailable in rural areas or refugee camps. At the same time, cities present numerous challenges for DACs.
- The overall objective (impact) of this Action is to enhance the sustainable integration of Displacement Affected Communities (DACs) in the targeted hosting cities in Ethiopia, DRC, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda. The specific objectives (outcomes) of this Action are to:
- Improve self-reliance and social cohesion of DACs (women and men) living in the targeted urban and peri-urban areas of Ethiopia, DRC, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda; and
- Strengthen readiness of local city administration, national governments and regional bodies to respond to the needs of DACs in the urban areas.
Funding Information
- Grant amount: USD 500,000 USD
- Duration: The grant agreement will be signed around 15 January 2025 for a 40 months length implementation (until 15 May 2028).
Expected Outcomes
- SUIDAC Impact: To enhance the sustainable integration of Displacement-Affected Communities (DACs) in the targeted hosting cities in Ethiopia, DRC, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda:
- Outcome level – SO1: Improved self-reliance and social cohesion of DACs (women and men) living in the targeted urban and peri-urban areas of Ethiopia, DRC, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda.
- Outcome level – SO2: Strengthened readiness and effectiveness of local city administrations, national governments and regional bodies to respond to the needs of DACs in the urban areas.
Eligibility Criteria
- The proposed proposal must align with the geographical scope as outlined in this Call for Proposals.
- The proposed proposal must also align with the thematic scope as outlined in this Call for Proposals.
- The proposed budget must not exceed USD 500,000.
- Applicants can be from the following categories (non profit entities): government, local, national, international and non-governmental organizations, community-based organizations, refugee-based organizations, research institutions and knowledge centers, United Nations agencies, and/or international development organizations with a strong track record in urban development, migration, and/or integration to secondary cities in low-income countries
- Applicants must demonstrate proven experience in the thematic areas of urban development and/or migration.
- Applicants must comply with all provisions in the Grant Agreement, including the General Conditions, and applicable UNOPS policies and procedures. This includes compliance to UNOPS financial rules and regulations and the submission of an external audit report at the end of the project.
Ineligibility Criteria
- Entities on the UN Sanctions List are ineligible to apply.
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