Deadline: 30-Jun-2024
The VAU of the U.S. Department of State is pleased to announce that funding is available through its Public Diplomacy Grants Program to strengthen people-to-people ties between the United States and the people of Venezuela through programs that highlight shared values and promote a peaceful, democratic transition.
- VAU Public Diplomacy Section (PDS) invites proposals for that support democratic initiatives, higher education cooperation and an active citizenry in Venezuela, highlighting shared values, bilateral cooperation, and support for diversity, equality, accessibility, and inclusion.
Priority Program Areas
- VAU PDS will prioritize grant proposals that address the following themes:
- Strengthening independent media through capacity-building programs and other professional engagement;
- Promoting democratic values and citizen participation through education and outreach, particularly for marginalized groups, including youth, women, LGBTQI+, persons with disabilities, indigenous, and Afro-Venezuelans; and
- Building university partnerships and other higher-education exchanges that focus on curricula development, research capacity building, and tech transfer/intellectual property policies.
Funding Information
- Total potential available funding: $100,000
- Award amounts: awards may range from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $25,000
- Length of performance period: up to 12 months
- Number of awards anticipated: 4 awards (dependent on available funding)
- Anticipated program start date: October 1, 2024
Participants and Audiences
- Venezuelans in Venezuela and their U.S. counterparts in the sectors represented in the priority program areas listed above.
Eligibility Criteria
- The Public Diplomacy Section encourages applications from the United States and Venezuela:
- Registered not-for-profit organizations, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations with programming experience
- Individuals
- Non-profit or governmental educational institutions
- For-profit or commercial entities are not eligible to apply.
- The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:
- Programs relating to partisan political activity;
- Charitable or development activities;
- Construction programs;
- Programs that support specific religious activities;
- Fund-raising campaigns;
- Lobbying for specific legislation or programs;
- Scientific research;
- Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of the organization;
- Programs that duplicate existing programs; or
- Programs without an American component.
For more information, visit