Deadline: 30 January 2017
The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) funded by the European Union (EU), is inviting smaller online Media, providers and individuals for its “Small Grants Program” to support existing small online media / media outlets to expand or increase the internal capacity for the creation and dissemination of content, as well as to strengthen the visibility of individual social influencer and their reach when the issues are relevant to them, and environment.
Areas of Interest
- Building peace and confidence
- Equal rights for all
- Respect for diversity (other)
- Overcoming the educational division
- Interreligious Dialogue
- The fight against hate speech and radicalization
- Multi- and inter-culturalism
- Construction and enabling democratic processes
- Movement BiH’s EU integration
- women’s participation in political processes and their role in decision-making
- Freedom of thought and critical analysis of thought or behavior that could undermine any of the above values
- Critical issues relevant to a particular local community (or communities), which require a detailed investigation
- any other issues relating to comment current events / latest news (which is related to any of the above values or theme)
Funding Information
Small Grants Program for less online Media and individuals will fund a maximum of eight (8) initiatives with the $ 5,000, and the total available funds amount to $ 40,000.
Types of Proposals
During the research, discussion, presentation and representation of media stories about one or more of these areas and the values that are in focus, any of the below listed communications products that can be distributed online can be supported from grant programs:
- videos ( different forms or types) / video activism
- articles
- mini projects investigative journalism whose results will be one or more articles, or compilation / publication of articles published online
- blog posts
- page / pages on Facebook
- infographics
- cartoons / comics
- photo reports
- all other forms of communication products suitable for distribution online
Eligibility Criteria
- In this competition can register online Media, including portals, blogs (including those supovezani with particular NGOs / CSOs as a unique communication channel for that particular organization), video and photo platform, pages / sites on Facebook, And a individuals the influence of social media (social media influencers) with the potential to increase their social activism and presence.
- Applications may be submitted individually or in partnership with other relevant groups, organizations, individuals.
- The call is open to legal entities and individuals with citizenship of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
How to Apply
Applications must be submitted via email at the address given on the website.
Eligible Country: Bosnia and Herzegovina
For more information, please visit UNDP Call for Proposals.