Deadline: 26-Nov-23
The Global Environment Facility Small Grants Programme (GEF SGP) implemented by UNDP is seeking applications to enhance and maintain socio-ecological resilience of selected landscapes and seascapes through community-based initiatives in selected ecologically sensitive areas of Kenya for global environmental benefits and sustainable development.
The community-based projects are designed to result in positive change in the environment while at the same time supporting poverty reduction and local empowerment objectives. In Kenya, the GEF is coordinated by the Ministry of Environment, Climate change and Forestry, and the GEF SGP is one of the GEF projects in the current phase of GEF 7.
In the current phase of the Programme titled “Seven Operational Phase of the GEF Small Grants Programme in Kenya”, the objective of the project is to enhance the socio-ecological resilience of ecologically sensitive landscapes and seascapes of global and national significance, through community-based initiatives. The three sites selected are the production landscapes of the Lake Bogoria and lake Baringo National Reserves, the Samburu-Isiolo Conservation Area (SICA), and the biodiversity-rich marine ecosystem of Shimoni-Vanga seascape + Bodo-Mwandamu seascape of southern Kenya.
Geographic Focus of the Project
- The three selected sites for project implementation by SGP in GEF VII
- Lake Bogoria Production landscapes
- Lake Bogoria landscape, the focus of this project, is rich in biodiversity and supports livelihoods of thousands of local communities. Close to 210 plant species and 373 species of birds have been recorded. Plant species are distributed in six broad vegetation types, these are; riverine forests, wooded bush land, bushed thicket, bush land, bushed grassland and swamps. In the upper parts of the catchment, montane forests are found. These areas are the catchment for River Sandai/Waseges, important for maintaining rich biodiversity and community livelihoods.
- The Samburu-Isiolo Conservation Area (SICA)
- In the lower edges of the northern rangelands, in the counties of Samburu and Isiolo, three contiguous national reserves form one ecologically connected ecosystem of 525 km2, rich in flora and fauna biodiversity, known as Samburu-Isiolo Conservation Area (SICA) which will be the focus of SGP-07.
- The Samburu National Reserve, managed by the county government of Samburu, covers a total of 165 km2 and is separated in the south from the Buffalo Springs National Reserve by the Ewaso Nyiro river. To the Northeast of Buffalo Springs lies the Shaba National Reserve, both of which are administered by the Isiolo county government.
- Shimoni-Vanga fisheries co-management area
- One of the most distinctive features of the Kenyan coastline is its almost continuous fringing coral reef that runs parallel to the coast. The relatively narrow continental shelf, which suddenly drops up to 4,000 metres, a depth only allowing for limited abundance of corals, while coral growth is best supported at depths from sea surface to about 20–25 m deep where light is able to penetrate (Obura, et. al, 2000). Coral reefs support a wide variety of reef dependent fish, which include important demersal finfishes such as emperors, snappers, rock cods and surgeonfish amongst others.
- Lake Bogoria Production landscapes
Funding Information
- The total amount per strategic partner is USD 150,000.
- The Strategic Partner will implement activities during the length of the GEF phase 7 SGP project which started in June 2023 and is scheduled to end in June 2027.
Expected Outputs/Deliverables
- A functional multi-stakeholder platform composed of county government representatives, relevant line ministries, civil society organizations, community representatives and leaders, partners and other interested stakeholders, that develops and executes an adaptive management plan to enhance socio-ecological resilience and result in both local and global environmental benefits.
- An adaptive management plan for the production landscape that will be used by the GEF SGP to inform decision-making and actions with the aim to improve effectiveness and efficiency in the projects. The management plan will also be used by the multi-stakeholder platform for planning and managing the target landscape, with a focus on community-driven actions to address environmental and socio-economic challenges for increased ecosystem and community resilience.
- Regular monitoring reports highlighting progress of implementation, project performance, challenges and ways to overcome them, lessons to facilitate learning.
- A set of well-developed proposals from CSOs, including CBOs, designed to improve the livelihood of local communities as well as meet SGP environmental targets that meet the set criteria.
- An updated community-based monitoring tool that includes socio-ecological production landscape (SEPL) indicators designed to help assess a community’s capacity to build resilience and harness ecosystem services through innovation, adaptation, and through local institutions that regulate the sustainable use of biodiversity.
Proposed Key Activities for the Strategic Partner
- Facilitate the establishment or strengthening of a multi-stakeholder platform (MSP) that is focused on governance, leadership, effectiveness and sustainability. The MSP will bring together key stakeholders engaged in the conservation of the relevant site, and stakeholders will identify and agree on strategic priorities, set goals, cooperate in the implementation of actions, monitor progress and resolve conflicts at the site.
- Liaise with the respective County Government to align SGP-funded activities with County priorities and as stipulated in the pro-doc.
- Keep the County Government abreast of the project implementation progress through reports and regular meetings with relevant focal points.
- Guided by the project document of the Seventh Operational phase of the GEF SGP in Kenya and the Satoyama Initiative, develop/strengthen a land/seascape strategy designed to promote sound biodiversity management and support sustainable livelihood activities within the targeted socio-ecological production land/seascape. Among the activities to be undertaken is a baseline assessment, which will be used for identifying key threats and opportunities, prioritizing goals, selecting appropriate activities and defining desired outcomes. For lake Bogoria landscape and Shimoni-Vanga seascape, a baseline was conducted, and a landscape/seascape strategy developed during the previous phase. These will be reviewed and enriched to include pertinent information that is currently missing.
- Conduct regular monitoring exercises using agreed-upon tools to ensure (grantee) community-driven projects are implemented to achieve expected outputs, outcomes, and results.
- Provide support to CSO and CBOs grantees during proposal development and project implementation.
- Ensure CBOs and CSOs proposals are developed as per the SGP format.
Geographical Scope
- Lake Bogoria landscape with extension to Lake Baringo
- Shimoni-Vanga seascape with extension to Bodo-Mwandamu seascape
- Samburu-Isiolo Conservation Area (SICA)
Eligibility Criteria
- A well-established local NGO, registered in Kenya with the National Council of NGOs, and with over 5 (five) years of experience in environmental management and sustainable development.
- The NGO is currently based at the landscape/seascape of interest. If the NGO has been implementing projects at one of the sites, but does not have a local presence, then it shall be required to set up an office at the site.
- Has supported local communities to implement environmental conservation activities including climate change adaptation and mitigation, and sustainable land management for at least 3 (three years) years, preferably at one of the identified production land/seascapes.
- Has strong experience in monitoring, evaluation, and reporting of projects and programs at various levels from community level to landscape/seascape to higher strategic levels.
- Has experience in developing, managing, storing, and sharing Knowledge Management materials such as case studies, research documents, process and management tools, and relevant publications, and in organizing publicity events with relevant and agreed-upon branding with SGP.
- Is recognized by the respective county government for contribution towards environmental conservation and community development in the land/seascape areas of focus.
- Has demonstrated experience in convening, facilitating, and leading strong sustainable multi-stakeholder platforms, preferably in the field of environmental conservation and sustainable development.
For more information, visit UNDP.