Deadline: 18-Dec-23
The United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction is pleased to invite qualified organizations to submit their respective proposals for the “Support of the Implementation and Review of National Regulatory Frameworks on Disaster Risk Management in the Indian Ocean Island States” project.
The programme “Resilience building and Disaster Response Management in the Indian Ocean (RDRM-IO)” co-funded by the European Union and in partnership with the Indian Ocean Commission (IOC) aims to reduce disaster and climate-related losses in the human, economic, social, physical, and environmental assets of IOC member States.
UNDRR’s specific objective is to improve DRR understanding and governance capacities of the four island States – Comoros, Madagascar, Mauritius, and Seychelles – through activities that aim at refining the national disaster risk management policies and regulatory frameworks, including in support of disaster risk data and information management and exchange provisions and arrangements.
- The grant proposes to raise the profile of national disaster-related legislation and draw out implications for the main stakeholder, including provisions for the production, exchange and use of risk data and information. This will in turn support a better definition of roles and lead to the identification of possible regulatory gaps. This support is aimed at strengthening disaster risk governance to enhance risk reduction and resilience building in communities.
- The workshops will facilitate the identification of gaps in the existing frameworks with a view to strengthening them. The workshops will focus on issues related to disaster risk reduction, preparedness, and response, with topics ranging from governance, national DRR platforms and data sharing to early warning systems and response. These will be considered in relation to specific provisions made by national legislation or lack thereof.
- The grant will also contribute research to advance data and information sharing arrangements for disaster risk reduction. Conclusions of the research will inform discussions aiming to support amendments to the national regulatory framework relevant for the institutionalization of the production, dissemination and use of quality data and risk information in support of preparedness actions.
Funding Information
- The maximum amount requested from UNDRR for the implementation of this project cannot exceed US $ 190,000.
- The duration of the proposed project cannot exceed 12 months and shall be completed by December 2024.
- The following are expected to emerge from the workshops and analysis:
- Identified gaps in DRM-related legislation and roadmap on next steps, such as a potential revision of existing laws, for public authorities to address.
- Raising awareness amongst public stakeholders in the DRM sector on existing legislative frameworks and their respective roles within these frameworks.
- Recommendations to develop, integrate and operationalize regulations related to the production, dissemination, and exchange of disaster data, including through national DRR platforms where they exist.
- One (1) country engagement inception meeting per country
- One (1) methodological note for the conduct of the workshops on capacitybuilding on national regulatory frameworks
- One (1) tailor-made tool to support the in-workshop review of existing DRM legislative frameworks
- 4 workshops conducted 1 in each country Mauritius, Comoros, Madagascar, Seychelles
- Four (4) reports (one (1) per country) with a workshop summary and recommendations on possible amendments as identified and prioritized by public authorities, and other avenues to improve disaster-related regulations and their application.
- Fout (4) draft roadmap document 1 per country
- One (1) methodological note for the analysis of legal provisions for data exchange and information sharing produced.
- One (1) analytical report on existing legal provisions for data exchange and information sharing between MDAs, analyze the efficiency and the operationalization of the provisions (SOPs, MoUs etc.) through prevention, preparedness and response produced.
- One (1) brief / flyer with the main findings of the report in French and English produced
- Virtual consultations in at least 2 countries on identified next steps
- One (1) final roadmap document per country produced.
- One (1) short brief per country graphically designed produced
Suggested Activities
- Activity 1. Contextualization of the project with partners, scoping and planning
- Inception: Project setup, defining the methodology, communication chains, mapping of key stakeholders;
- Responsibilities and timelines: define responsibilities and timelines jointly with UNDRR and in coordination with national authorities and relevant stakeholders.
- Inception with countries (virtual): presentation of the project and gather inputs and feedback to define country engagement.
- Activity 2. Prepare and facilitate four (4) national workshops to raise awareness on three (3) existing DRM legislative frameworks and identify main gaps (Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles) and support the finalization of one (1) DRM Act (Comoros)
- Preparation: Develop a tailor-made tool to support the review of existing legislative frameworks that allows a self-assessment by the respective lead DRM public authorities of their effectiveness given the current context, with a view to helping countries evaluate strengths and gaps of their existing frameworks. 5.
- National workshops: prepare and facilitate four (4) national workshops of 3-4 days in Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles, and Comoros bringing together NDMAs, sectors and other relevant stakeholders in collaboration with the National Societies and PIROI.
- Recommendations: consolidate strengths and gaps of disaster regulatory frameworks identified during workshops into a report which should include: identified next steps for countries in order to address the identified gaps, provide recommendations to guide next steps for public authorities to strengthen existing frameworks, and highlight the need to reflect data and risk information management, exchange and use in these frameworks.
- Activity 3. Analysis of existing legal provisions to support data and information management, exchange and use between MDAs, analyse the efficiency and the operationalization of the provisions (SOPs, MoUs etc.) through prevention, preparedness, and response (Madagascar, Mauritius, Seychelles).
- Activity 4. Support the review of at least two (2) national DRM legislative frameworks.
- Support public authorities with the finalization of roadmaps to address gaps in legislations related to preparedness and response at national level in the four countries.
- Support the implementation of the roadmap through communication and advocacy materials.
- UNDRR invites not profit-making organizations to submit grant proposals that focus on the project.
For more information, visit UNDRR.