Deadline: 24 March 2020
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) is seeking applications for a Cooperative Agreement from qualified entities to implement USAID/Colombia Resilient Communities (Somos Comunidad) Activity (the Activity).
The purpose of Resilient Communities (Sonar Comunidad in Spanish, and hereon referred to as “the Activity”) is to strengthen local systems for enhanced human security’ conditions and thus mitigate the effects of organized criminal groups and other violent incidents in target locations. It is expected that local capacity-building and sustainable coordination processes among key stakeholders will drive this activity.
Community-level safety and resilience to crime and violence increased.
- Enhanced social cohesion
- Strengthened citizen responsive security systems.
Theory of Change
IF Colombia’s institutions and conflict-affected communities proactively work together to improve community-responsive, sustainable local security systems, AND the social fabric is strengthened through dialogue and trust-building to mitigate relevant threats in target locations, THEN communities will be more resilient against the effects of organized crime and violence. This theory of change is built upon the assumptions that:
- The social and political situation in Colombia remains stable.
- The security conditions in the target areas remain stable, allowing for activity presence and implementation.
- USAID and the GOC funding levels remain stable.
- Target institutions, communities, and organizations remain open to receiving USAID assistance.
Funding Information
- Estimated Total Program Funding: $39,200,000
- Award Ceiling: $39,200,000
Eligibility Criteria
- Eligibility for this RFA not restricted. U.S. and non-US organizations may participate under this RFA.
- Applicants must have established financial management, monitoring and evaluation processes, internal control systems, and policies and procedures that comply with established U.S. Government standards, laws, and regulations. The successful applicant will be subject to a responsibility determination assessment (Pre-award Survey) by the Agreement Officer (AO).
- The Recipient must be a responsible entity. The AO may determine a pre-award survey is required to conduct an examination that will determine whether the prospective recipient has the necessary organization, experience, accounting and operational controls, and technical skills — or ability to obtain them — in order to achieve the objectives of the program and comply with the terms and conditions of the award.
- For-profit applicants must note that USAID policy prohibits the payment of fee/profit for recipients under assistance instruments. Forgone profit does not qualify as cost-share or leverage.
- USAID welcomes applications from organizations that have not previously received financial assistance from USAID.
- Extensive sub-grants or consortia with local organizations are encouraged in the Applicant’s program.
How to Apply
Concept papers must be submitted electronically via email at the address given on the website.
For more information, visit