Deadline: 19-Feb-25
Veolia Mulwaree Trust is currently accepting applications for its funding programs.
Program Objectives
- The Veolia Mulwaree Trust aims to support the local community through funding projects and organisations which bring positive and sustainable benefits across the following areas:
- Health and Wellbeing
- Environment, Heritage and Culture
- Sport and Recreation
- Education and Scholarships
- Community Enhancement
- Emergency and Safety
Funding Information
- Two funding programs will be available:
- The donation program for small projects, valued at $1,000 and under; and
- The grant program, for projects valued at over $1,000.
Eligible Local Government Areas
- The Veolia Mulwaree Trust specifically covers the local government areas of:
- Goulburn Mulwaree Council
- Upper Lachlan Shire Council
- Oberon Council
- Wingecarribee Shire Council
- Wollondilly Shire Council
- Shoalhaven City Council
- former Palerang Council area
Eligibility Criteria
- Applications will be accepted from incorporated, not-for-profit community groups or organisations, such as sporting and recreation groups, voluntary emergency service organisations, service clubs, local councils and 355 committees, community health services, schools and community child care centres, churches, community associations and registered charities.
Ineligibility Criteria
- The Veolia Mulwaree Trust does not fund:
- Applications from organisations or project sites which have received any Veolia Mulwaree Trust funding within the same financial year or have an unacquitted Veolia Mulwaree Trust grant. Local Councils and organisations/locations identified within the Tarago Village Plan may undertake multiple projects at any time.
- 100 per cent of the cost of any project.
- Events, advertising, sponsorship, administration costs, wages, salaries, studies, development or planning fees, consulting fees, travel, accommodation, catering, organisational running costs, computer hardware, software or websites through the grant program. These projects may be eligible through the Veolia Mulwaree Trust donation program.
- Services and operations that would normally be the responsibility of other government bodies, or which duplicate existing services.
- Projects that relate to a business or business group that generates a profit.
- Retrospective requests, i.e. funding for projects which have commenced or been completed.
- Applications for the purpose of fundraising for a secondary beneficiary, or grant-making program.
- Applications for projects in licenced clubs which are associated with gambling and/or alcohol.
- Projects or capital works on private land or property.
For more information, visit Veolia Mulwaree Trust.