Deadline: 30-Sep-22
Applications are now open for the Weyerhaeuser Giving Fund to support U.S. and Canadian communities where they have a significant presence or business interest.
These communities range from rural to metropolitan, each with unique priorities and needs. The focal areas provide a strong companywide framework for giving while allowing flexibility to meet specific needs in their different communities.
Focus Areas
- Affordable Housing
- Education and Youth Development
- Environmental Stewardship
- Human Services
- Civic and Cultural Growth
- Workforce Development
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion
Funding Information
Grants vary in scale in relationship to their presence in the community and the philanthropic budget available for the year. The minimum grant awarded is $1,000.
Eligibility Criteria
- In considering requests for support, preference is given to projects and programs that meet the following criteria:
- Serve a broad range of community residents
- Meet an important community need within their key areas of focus
- Show strong support from community leaders and other funders
- Are sustainable and managed competently with a history of accountability, results, cost-effectiveness, strong leadership and innovation
- Provide a significant and measurable impact on quality of life
- To be eligible for funding, a program must:
- Serve a Weyerhaeuser community
- Be one of the following:
- A tax-exempt, nonprofit public charity classified under Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
- A registered charity in Canada with a Canada Revenue Agency number or registered as a provincial nonprofit society
- A public education institution or government entity qualified under Section 170(c)(1) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code
- Qualified as a Canadian municipality
- Ineligible for Funding
- Local community projects, services and organizations outside of a Weyerhaeuser community
- Individuals, including direct scholarships or bursary assistance
- Fraternal, social, labor or political organizations
- Activities that influence legislation
- Groups that discriminate based upon an individual’s gender, race, color, religion, national origin, age, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, veteran status, marital status or any other characteristic protected by local, state or federal law
- Organizations seeking funds for theological purposes
- Groups or individuals seeking funds for sponsorships or to purchase tickets or tables at fundraising benefits
- Sports teams or athletic events
- Operating deficits or debt liquidation
- Services the public sector is reasonably expected to provide
- Endowments and memorials
- Capital campaigns
- Multiyear requests
- A small portion of their grantmaking supports high-priority national initiatives directly related to the sustainability and importance of working forests and the products and services they provide. This may include sustainability issues related to forestry, sustainable forest products, housing, improving ecosystems and green energy. Applications in this category are accepted by invitation only.
- Industry-related national and/or research funding is by Invitation Only.
For more information, visit