Deadline: 18-Aug-2024
Applications are now open for the WIRES National Grants Program (WIRES NGP) to support best practice rescue and rehabilitation of wildlife, an increase in emergency preparedness in the sector, along with native species recovery projects to improve long-term outcomes in Australia.
The WIRES National Grants Program (WIRES NGP) has been developed to provide ongoing support for wildlife, and their habitats, across Australia. WIRES focus is on proposals that have tangible, positive and ideally long-term outcomes for wildlife. Funding granted through this program is one-off and is for projects of between 6-12month duration.
Funding Information
- A total funding pool of up to $1,000,000 is available across four tiers or categories each year.
- Eligible applicants are invited to submit proposals for:
- Tier 1: Individually Licenced Wildlife Rescuers and Carers (maximum $2,000)
- Tier 2: Licenced Wildlife Rescue and Rehabilitation Organisations (maximum $8,000)
- Tier 3: Environmental NGOs and Community Groups (maximum $20,000)
- Tier 4: Consortia/Multi-partner Collaborations (maximum $50,000)
What is eligible?
Tiers 1 & 2
- Projects and items supported by the WIRES National Grants Program in Tiers 1 & 2 include:
- Rescue and care equipment – e.g. rescue carriers, transportable pens.
- Authorised training courses to increase emergency preparedness – e.g. first aid.
- Water tanks, hoses, and similar items to increase emergency preparedness.
- PPE for rescue and emergency response – helmets, boots, gloves, and clothing.
- Emergency equipment for rescuers & carers – Medical supplies, first aid kits, torches, radios.
- Medical supplies for affected animals in care.
- Urgent repairs/upgrades to existing enclosures/facilities.
Tiers 3 & 4
- Projects and items supported by the WIRES National Grants Program must have tangible outcomes and could include: Those that expand rescue and rehabilitation capacity at a significant scale.
- Habitat restoration and/or enhancement incl. provision of supplementary shelter, nest boxes and artificial hollows. Bush regeneration/revegetation using native plant species that are known to be indigenous to the site and represent the type of vegetation community existing on the site.
- Control of invasive weed species through physical, chemical, or biological treatments (physical treatments may include cultural burning practices).
- Those that improve emergency preparedness, risk mitigation and emergency response from a wildlife rescue perspective. Group training that leads to tangible outcomes in line with WIRES NGP objectives.
- Community education and/or engagement campaigns.
- Flora and fauna surveys, habitat mapping, data recording, spatial mapping and modelling but only where these form part of a project that includes tangible positive outcomes for wildlife.
- Project outcomes should also support the objectives of the WIRES National Grants Program including:
- Building capacity and capability for the Australian wildlife rescue and rehabilitation sector.
- Improving emergency preparedness and response capabilities to assist wildlife.
- Preserving species and their habitat through projects leading to long term positive outcomes for native wildlife.
- Raising community awareness and inspiring broader community involvement in supporting Australian wildlife rescue, rehabilitation and preservation.
General Eligibility
- Applicant must:
- Be a legal entity, able to enter into a legally binding agreement.
- Must comply with all relevant laws and regulations in undertaking the project.
- Have the knowledge, experience and appropriate licences/permissions required to deliver the project and have been operating in this capacity for a minimum of two years.
- Be the organisation or individual completing the project.
- Be located in and conduct activities within Australia.
- Not have overdue progress or acquittal reports for previously funded grants.
- Have a demonstrated history of professional, proactive, and positive collaboration with other organisations and individuals, including WIRES.
- Submit the correct application form accurately and on time.
- Have the appropriate type and level of insurance for the activities that are the subject of this proposal.
- Have an Australian bank account.
- Not have a current active grant with WIRES.
- Project must:
- Address one or more of WIRES National Grants Program priority objectives.
- Identify a current need or issue and propose/provide a solution.
- Result in demonstrable tangible outcomes for wildlife and/or their habitats.
- Begin after the grant funding commencement date and not require retrospective, recurrent or ongoing funding.
- Meet eligibility criteria for the appropriate funding tier.
- Be realistic in terms of deliverables, timeframe, and budget.
- Represent value for money compared with other proposals.
Eligibility Criteria
- Tiers 1 & 2
- The applicant must:
- Meet licensing requirements as outlined above for each state and provide a copy of their rehabilitation licence or vet licence
- Have been actively rescuing and caring for wildlife for a minimum of 2 years and be able to provide evidence Demonstrate that the proposed project will deliver significant long-term benefits for native wildlife and has the appropriate licences/approvals
- If an individual, provide a copy of their driver’s licence or other authorised form of ID (e.g. passport)
- If an organisation, provide their ABN and, if applicable, their ACNC incorporation number
- Provide a reference (must not be the applicant or a member of the applicant’s immediate family)
- Provide appropriate quotes for all budget lines of their proposal
- If applying for updates to, or repairs/replacement of enclosures/facilities, provide photos of existing set up. The applicant assumes full responsibility for ensuring these meet the expected requirements under the relevant state codes of practice for the species in question
- The applicant must:
- Tiers 3 & 4
- The applicant must:
- Have been actively working with wildlife or their habitats for a minimum of 2 years.
- Be registered as an Australian organisation with a current ABN and operate in Australia.
- Provide their ABN, and, if applicable, their ACNC incorporation number. In the case of consortia, the Lead Organisation must provide their ABN.
- Provide letters of support from partners including the roles/responsibilities the project partner will undertake, and the resources it will contribute (if any).
- Provide evidence of any required consents where the proposed project site/s are not owned or managed by the applicant. Written consent is required from the property owner and/or property manager that allows for the implementation of the proposed project on each project site.
- Demonstrate organisational capacity for delivering proposed project.
- Demonstrate that the proposed project will deliver significant long-term benefits for native wildlife.
- The applicant must:
For more information, visit WIRES.