Deadline: 26-Aug-23
The United States of America is honored to host the tenth session of the Conference of the States Parties (COSP) to the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC). This Conference will gather global leaders to make policy decisions and to continue its work in charting the way forward for the international community in the prevention and fight against corruption.
The 10th session of the UNCAC Conference of the States Parties is an opportunity for the international community to make meaningful strides in the global fight against corruption. As the host of the Conference, the United States is prioritizing a number of important goals we are committed to working with all stakeholders to achieve. Through this work, the United States will celebrate not just UNCAC, but also the individuals working tirelessly to turn the Convention’s obligations into action.
Logistical Information
- Mode of Conduct
- In-Person only
- All conference rooms are equipped with a PC, projector, and microphones. There will be staff at the beginning of the event to introduce organizers to the technical equipment. Organizers will be expected to run the events independently.
- Organizers are kindly requested to print the nameplates and bring them to their event.
- Organizers are kindly requested to adhere to the time allocated for their event and to ensure that the conference room is handed over to the organizers of the following special event in proper conditions and in a timely manner. This is particularly important as most special events are held back-to-back in the same conference room.
- Hybrid
- For special events held in a hybrid format, combining online participation with in-person participation, organizers will be expected to run the events independently both in the conference room and with regard to the online component.
- All conference rooms are equipped with a PC, projector, and microphones. There will be staff at the beginning of the event to introduce organizers to the technical equipment.
- Organizers are solely responsible for the technical organization of their special event, including the online conferencing platform and access of participants.
- In-Person only
- Interpretation Services
- UN interpretation services are not available for special events and cannot assist in finding private interpretation. Contact details for the procurement of private interpretation services will be provided in due course.
- Printing Services
- The secretariat cannot offer printing services at the Conference venue. Organizers are kindly requested to take sustainability into consideration before printing in order to minimize their environmental impact.
- Promotional Material
- Promotional materials, including flyers, to be used in the context of special events should uphold United Nations standards and avoid abusive language. The materials may not contain the logo of UNODC. A designated space will be made available for the display and distribution of promotional materials.
- Contact details for shipment and storage of promotional materials will be provided in due course.
- Catering Services
- Contact details for the procurement of private catering services will be provided in due course. Catering services must be arranged directly with the designated contact point.
- Access for Participants
- Please note that all panellists and organizers of special events must be registered as part of a delegation for the Conference in order to gain access to the Conference venue.
Eligibility Criteria
- Events may be organized by:
- Member States,
- UN entities,
- Intergovernmental organizations, and
- NGOs with CoSP observer status.
- Co-organizers must meet the same eligibility criteria as the organizers.
- Organizers are required to inform their Permanent Missions accredited to the United Nations (Vienna) of their application.
- Topics of special events must be thematically relevant to UNCAC and the work of its CoSP. Member States cannot be made the focus of an event without their engagement.
- The number of special events will be limited by the availability of conference rooms. The secretariat reserves the right to ask organizers to merge and/or limit the number of special events per organizer. Priority will be given to events organized jointly (two or more organizers). Special events that demonstrate diversity through gender parity among speakers and panellists, diverse geographic representation, and sectors represented will be highly prioritized.
- Only complete applications received within the deadlines will be considered.
Selection of Special Events
- Efforts will be made to accommodate all requests within available facilities. However, should there be an excessive number of requests fulfilling all relevant eligibility criteria, priority will be given to event requests by States parties and events organized jointly (two or more organizers). While the secretariat will make every effort to accommodate the organizers’ preferred time slot, this cannot be guaranteed.
- The secretariat will communicate the decision to the organizers once the selection has been finalized.
For more information, visit United Nations Conventions against Corruption.